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VCD 2.0 Toolkit Scandata Error |
Some people have gotten an error when attempting to build a VCD disc image: "Overran space for SCANDATA.DAT". This is caused by having too many entrypoints, in the disc's MPEG assets, for VCD Toolkit to handle. The number of entrypoints exceeds the size allowed for the default scanlist file, SCANDATA.DAT. The cure is to manually specify scanlist files for VCDMaster to use in the build process.
To do this, scanlist files must be added to the master script, and hence to the disc image itself. Such files are added through the use of a second tool, VCDMaster. VCDMaster comes with the Toolkits, but there are no instuctions in how to use it. Documentation may be purchased, but at extra cost. The procedure below explains how to add scanlist files to a Toolkit disc, but is unsupported (unless support for VCDMaster is purchased). Most of the procedure applies to both Mac and PC Toolkits, with the following exceptions:
- VCDMaster is contained in the Drivers folder within the VCD2TK folder.
- The VCDMaster front-end application itself is not included with VCD 2.0 Toolkit for PC, only the dll. The
front-end may be downloaded in the PC file section in the FTP area of this website.
Create your VCD title using the Toolkit in the normal manner.
Start the build process. When the status window indicates that it has finished writing the master script, stop the build process.
There should now be a master script in the destination folder. The name of this script file should be the same as the VCD volume name, with a .msc extension attached. This script file is a normal text file that may be edited in any text editor.
Using a text editor, follow the example below to add additional lines to the master script, representing the scanlist files to be added. Basically the procedure can be broken down as:
Add a scan_list line with scanlist identifier for every avseq_dat line.
In the directory structure section, create a scanlist directory.
Within that new directory, cross-reference the scanlist identifiers with a scanlist files to be created on the cd.
Save the modified master script as plain text.
Start VCDMaster, and Open the newly edited master script under the File menu. This will create the .cd disc image.
Sample master script, new_trak.msc
options: -vcd2
album "NEW_TRAK"
publisher ""
preparer ""
volume "NEW_TRAK_1" in "H:/CDIMAGES/NEW_TRAK_1.cd"
1 of 1
disc_restrict 0
copyright file _copyright_ from "D:/VCD2TK/CDI_APP/copyrght.txt"
abstract file _abstract_ from "D:/VCD2TK/CDI_APP/abstract.txt"
biblio file _biblio_ from "D:/VCD2TK/CDI_APP/bibliogr.txt"
yellow file CDI_TEXT_FNT_1 from "D:/VCD2TK/CDI_APP/CDI_TEXT.FNT"
application file CDI_VCD_APP_1 rounded from "D:/VCD2TK/CDI_APP/CDI_VCD.APP"
yellow file CDI_VCD_CFG_1 from "D:/VCD2TK/CDI_APP/custom.txt"
! Note: PC file paths are shown here. On a Mac, a colon (:) is used as the directory separator.
avseq_dat file alaska_mmd from mpeg "r:/samples/assets/mpeg/alaska.mmd"
scan_list file scn1 spaced 3.000
! Each avseq_dat line should be followed by its own scan_list line. Each scan_list line
! will have its own unique identifier. See the XA script example for information
! on identifier naming. The 3.00 value may be made even larger, to further reduce
! the number of entrypoints. Values should be in .125 increments.
avseq_dat file alaskaof_mmd from mpeg "r:/samples/assets/mpeg/alaskaof.mmd"
scan_list file scn2 spaced 3.000
avseq_dat file jamaica_mmd from mpeg "r:/samples/assets/mpeg/jamaica.mmd"
scan_list file scn3 spaced 3.000
avseq_dat file kauai_mmd from mpeg "r:/samples/assets/mpeg/kauai.mmd"
scan_list file scn4 spaced 3.000
avseq_dat file orlando_mmd from mpeg "r:/samples/assets/mpeg/orlando.mmd"
scan_list file scn5 spaced 3.000
avseq_dat file orlandof_mmd from mpeg "r:/samples/assets/mpeg/orlandof.mmd"
scan_list file scn6 spaced 3.000
avseq_dat file russia_mmd from mpeg "r:/samples/assets/mpeg/russia.mmd"
scan_list file scn7 spaced 3.000
avseq_dat file russiaof_mmd from mpeg "r:/samples/assets/mpeg/russiaof.mmd"
scan_list file scn8 spaced 3.000
avseq_dat file stlucia_mmd from mpeg "r:/samples/assets/mpeg/stlucia.mmd"
scan_list file scn9 spaced 3.000
seg_play_item file _malta_menu_pi_ from wb_still "H:/CDIMAGES/jamaica.mms"
play_list Sequence_1
next Menu_1
previous Menu_1
return Sequence_1
play_item alaska_mmd
play_item alaskaof_mmd
play_item jamaica_mmd
play_item kauai_mmd
play_item orlando_mmd
play_item orlandof_mmd
play_item russia_mmd
play_item russiaof_mmd
play_item stlucia_mmd
sel_list Menu_1 play_item _malta_menu_pi_
repeat 1 then wait forever then Menu_1
default Sequence_1 1, 0, 1, 0
next Sequence_1 1, 0, 1, 0
previous Menu_1 1, 0, 1, 0
return Menu_1 1, 0, 1, 0
! disc file structure definition
"COPYRIGH.TXT;1" protection 0x111 from _copyright_
"ABSTRACT.TXT;1" protection 0x111 from _abstract_
"BIBLIOGR.TXT;1" protection 0x111 from _biblio_
!Directory structure defined here.
"CDI" {
"AVSEQ01.DAT;1" from alaska_mmd
"AVSEQ02.DAT;1" from alaskaof_mmd
"AVSEQ03.DAT;1" from jamaica_mmd
"AVSEQ04.DAT;1" from kauai_mmd
"AVSEQ05.DAT;1" from orlando_mmd
"AVSEQ06.DAT;1" from orlandof_mmd
"AVSEQ07.DAT;1" from russia_mmd
"AVSEQ08.DAT;1" from russiaof_mmd
"AVSEQ09.DAT;1" from stlucia_mmd
!Place the scanlist files in their own directory, "SCANLISTS".
"SCAN1.DAT;1" from scn1 !See the XA script example for information on file naming.
"SCAN2.DAT;1" from scn2
"SCAN3.DAT;1" from scn3
"SCAN4.DAT;1" from scn4
"SCAN5.DAT;1" from scn5
"SCAN6.DAT;1" from scn6
"SCAN7.DAT;1" from scn7
"SCAN8.DAT;1" from scn8
"SCAN9.DAT;1" from scn9
!End of additional files
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