
Aeden Artisans

von danoltErstellungsdatum : Montag,07 August , 2006

A Karavan/Lakeland guild.

Aeden Artisans is a Karavan/Tryker guild. We are not a group that is all things to all people. We are staunch believers in Jena and are opposed to the deceiver, Ma-Duk. Aeden Artisans is not for those who seek the path of least resistance. We are not a guild for those who fear self sufficiency, fear principles or fear taking up leadership roles.

Our guild is an old one, (formed in January of 2005). Our original vision was one of being self sufficient, somewhat aloof and even a bit exclusive. We have always been aware that conflict was coming and we stand together to face it.

There are reasons why Aeden Artisans has always been associated with the Karavan. Before the temple contest the Karavan had never harmed a Homin. That is certainly not true of the Kami. It was not so long ago, that if a handful of foragers were in the same area for a couple hours the Kami would come and “cleanse” the area with lightening. It can still happen today but they have become much more lax since open conflict began. Then of course there was the attempted assassination of Miana Sinia, protector of Jena’s Law, followed immediately by a Kami ambush at the ceremony of Jena’s Commandments. There is no tolerance in Ma-Duk he only desires to usurp the Creator by perverting the creation.

For those of you who have not read the words of Jena and Ma-Duk, I strongly encourage you to do so. The commandments of Jena are universal; they would fit any planet, any culture, at any time. The revelations of Ma-Duk are set to one place, with one purpose, to become a Kami and thus part of their collective. Jena is inclusive, reaching out. Ma-Duk is exclusive; you are either him or imbalance.

Once the temple contest began it was an easy choice on who to support and we did so with fervor. Aeden Artisans crafted more of the temple in Fairhaven then the 2nd and 3rd guilds combined. We took up arms against the enemy regardless of race; we have fought alongside fellow believers regardless of their origins. It is deeds that define, not birth.

We have been called zealots, accused of placing our faith in Jena above our responsibilities to the Lakelands. There is no conflict of interest. Without Jena there is no Lakelands! She is what stands between Homins and Kami transfiguration.

It is important to remember that the Karavan are not Jena. They are not symbiants of their god like the Kami. The Karavan are here to help us, to guide us, not to deliver us. We are responsible for ourselves.

As you look around Fairhaven and explore the mainland, as you consider guilds and factions, as you grow in strength and riches, look to your faith. To those of you who hear the call of Jena, there is a guild in the Lakelands who is also listening. We know what we are training for. We know what we believe in. We are teaching and listening, growing and cultivating. We are warriors, healers, explorers, politicians, crafters, casters, allies and foes. We are servants of Jena. We are AA.


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