
The Seeker of The Dragon

von pugmakErstellungsdatum : Montag,26 Juni , 2006

A monastic warrior guild. Membership limited to men of Fyros - loyal to the Kami.

The Seeker of The Dragon

A guild of men, born Fyros and loyal to the Kami.

Structure of this monastic guild:

    All men of The Seeker of The Dragon must put real effort into being as completely self sufficient as practically possible. Members must be willing to provide for themselves in all ways. This is not the place for those seeking quick notoriety, instant fame or prestige.
Members are required to be able to find their own sources, provide for their own material needs, craft, and keep in good repair their own gear.They are further required to stand ready at all times to answer the call to arms in any capacity, be that melee, offensive magic or in support as healer.

    While members are not required to take vows of silence, it is a requirement that members do refrain from profane babbling and unnecessary utterances. Members will not engage in verbal taunting of any enemy before, during or after battles.
General conversations are to be held to whatever is necessary for the task at hand.

    The Seeker of The Dragon is a purpose built guild which has, as its overlaying mission, the acquisition of any and all information regarding the Great Dragon with the aim of ensuring it never again be a threat to Atys or to Hominkind.
The secondary purpose of The Seeker of The Dragon is to oppose all who stand against the Kami or pose a threat to the Fyros people or homelands.

    The Seeker of The Dragon will not be a home for those seeking wealth, fame, glory or quick advancement. It will always be limited to those men of Fyros who value discipline, honour, valour and self sufficiency.

Plain speech:

TSoTG guild is high RP Kami/Fyros faction. While PvP will be practiced where and when applicable, no member will be tolerated who ganks or griefs in open PvP areas. PvP will be restricted to declared conflicts or to mutually consensual fights.

Don't ask to join TSoTG if you are after any of the following: help power leveling, uber items, free stuff, someone's ear to complain into constantly in guild chat, instant teams, hand holding, nose wiping, etc.

Do check the guild out if you are into the following: taking care of yourself. Proud of what you accomplish on your own. Able to fend for yourself. Believe in such old fashioned things as good behaviour, discipline, honour, loyalty, etc.


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