Outposts API

Added by namine about 6 years ago

Might be interesting to have an API to display the list of OP owners.

We could even add more information, like display threshold or battle times, if it's not an advantage.

Replies (3)

RE: Outposts API - Added by nimetu almost 6 years ago

maybe this info, if and which outpost guild has, should be added to guild api.

battle times (declaration time, attack phase, defence phase) and who the attacker is (gid) would be nice too.

dont think there would be any advantage (other that inactive guilds dont have to log in to check the status, but then inactive guilds should not hold outpost anyway hehe)

RE: Outposts API - Added by Toro almost 6 years ago

My first thought when I've learned about the Ryzom API was : "Great ! I will be able to code a nice webpage about outposts and war all over Atys".
Too bad, no info to grab about the outposts :-(
Please, give us those (at least some) datas ...

RE: Outposts API - Added by vl almost 6 years ago

We decided not to export the outpost information for gameplay reason. We don't want the player see in one click the information of all ryzom outpost.

We know that some nice things can be done if these information were available but we think there's already lot of think that can be done with the current API. Be creative :)
