User Count on servers

Added by King_bob almost 6 years ago

Title says it all, I do realize though that it is a completely useless function, but it is kinda interesting, and makes for nice graphs ;D

EDIT: let me specify, user count, and Logged on count....

Replies (4)

RE: User Count on servers - Added by vl almost 6 years ago

Thank for the suggestion, but we don't plan to provide this information

RE: User Count on servers - Added by King_bob almost 6 years ago

I can understand why, but still, thats too bad :(

RE: User Count on servers - Added by Nanowish almost 6 years ago

Because max population value can by Byte type :D joke

RE: User Count on servers - Added by vl almost 6 years ago

In fact, it's the oppositve. If we'll display this number, I'll overflow our bandwidth of the server :p joke too ;)
