Guild fame -> 2147483647

Added by SirCotare over 5 years ago


I've been noticing that there are at least two guilds with fame values way off the charts.

  • The House of Atys / Arispotle
  • Tryton / Arispotle

XML (factions might differ):


Those values would correspond to 357913 fame points ingame which, as far as I know, should be capped to 100 (=600.000 on the API). The error is not that severe since post-correcting the value to fit into the boundaries is no problem. Just wanted to let you know :)

Wikipedia says: "The number 2,147,483,647 is also the maximum value for a 32-bit signed integer in computing."

Yours Cotare

Replies (1)

RE: Guild fame -> 2147483647 - Added by vl over 5 years ago

It's really strange, the fact it's 0x7FFFFFFF cannot be a coincidence.
We'll check to see why it happens.

Thanks for the report.
