
Added by seb almost 6 years ago


I'm Sebastien, I am an experienced programmer in C,C++,C# and I was looking for a project idea to teach me AJAX on WebOS. That's when this contest was announced :)

  • Project Name: Canopy
  • Project Type: WebOS application
  • Project Email:
  • Project Members: sebonatys
  • Project URL:
  • Project Source URL: none at the moment, will host on github
  • Project Description: A simple app for WebOS that will exercise the Ryzom APIs to display server and character informations. Planned features include a dashboard displaying the Atys time, server availability on the main page, multiple accounts support, nice character sheet. Optionally (because I'm not quite sure how to do that yet) a service could run in the background and display alerts for significant events (like server disconnection/connection) or user defined, Atys time based, alarms.

Note that this post is a bit early and I don't think I will have anything to show before end of this month. I thought I would announce the project sooner rather than later anyway.

Good luck everybody and see you soon!

Replies (2)

RE: Canopy - Added by vl almost 6 years ago

Welcome aboard!

You'll have to provide lot of screenshot, video to show your project since we don't have Palm Phone.

Good luck!

RE: Canopy - Added by seb almost 6 years ago

I don't have a Palm phone either. It's not even announced in France :(
I'll just use the emulator provided with the SDK and of course I'll record videos of my progress. Actually, the first one is online on the project homepage:

