MB Ryzom Profile

Added by DiRaven almost 6 years ago

General project info:

Actual version: 0.10 Alpha

Next milestone: Some basic profile data display.
Approximate deadline: not mentioned

Versions changelog:
0.10 alpha
- basic design is ready
- project demo moved to the http://diraven.dswsoft.net/projects/mb_ryzom_profile/

0.01 alpha
- git rep setup
- dev env setup
- added some basical libraries to the project in order to start working
- created basical graphics (taken from the game graphics) in order to create website interface
- testing webserver setup
- initial files upload, nothing working for now though

Replies (5)

RE: MB Ryzom Profile - Added by DiRaven almost 6 years ago

Reserved post.

RE: MB Ryzom Profile - Added by DiRaven almost 6 years ago

First milestone is almost reached. As expected - permanent troubles with the IE, always displaying pages incorrectly even with fully STRICT valid code. xD

RE: MB Ryzom Profile - Added by DiRaven almost 6 years ago

First milestone reached!

Design is ready and implemented with the high quality HTML/CSS coding. Both HMTL markup and CSS are fully valid and works properly in all popular browsers. Result can be checked by the following link:

And as pure plain HTML without PHP:

You can use this design any way you want in your projects, but copyrights are still welcome.


RE: MB Ryzom Profile - Added by DiRaven almost 6 years ago

Project have been moved to the http://diraven.dswsoft.net/projects/mb_ryzom_profile/

GIT reps will be updated shortly.

RE: MB Ryzom Profile - Added by DiRaven almost 6 years ago

Due to insufficiency of time development frozen on the stage of http://dev.ryzom.com/boards/11/topics/335 development, which is finished. I will be happy if this code will come in handy for someone. =)
