Questions related to the release of the Ryzom Core Open Source project
Added by browser_ice about 5 years ago
I have discovered about this only 20 min ago while I was working with Ring (for the first time) and wanted to get more info. I have posted the same questions below in the Ryzom forum because I could not remember my login infos for here. But now since I have remembered it, here goes my questions. So far I have read very few on this project but I already have questions.
1) Theoretically, this means that game contents made by the community can find its way into the commercial version. The only problem with this is that I assume there will be some kind of judging done by the dev team to decide what can and cannot go into the commercial version. Has this been looked at ?
2) To complement my question 1, how about making community game contents contests ? By making this public you can potentially attract new players that have game content abilities and, also, making it community visible to have positive/negative comments to help improve player's game contents.
3) Last time I read that site, they were up to 3dmax 2009 (or close) for 3d game content making. I have 3dmax 3007 which I believe is not compatible anymore. This could be a show stopper for me as I can make 3d contents. Anyone know if there is still a 3dmax 2007 plugin available ?
4) How about making a new Ryzom site section dedicated to community game content and make those contents downloadable ?
5) Having community game content available, you are also creating a problem that most game content makers don't pay enough attention too : copyrights. I have seen so many times copyright problems on sites like Turbosuid (I was a forum admin there) where people downloaded someone else's game content and started selling it as if it was theirs. Has anything been done to inform the community on how to protect themselves on this subject ?
6) Speaking of copyrights, if someone from the community manages to successfully have the dev team include their game contents into the commercial version of Ryzom, then will theire be some kind of royaly or rights to have a share of the game profits since their components will be used in the commercial game or will all the rights/copyrights be own by the Ryzom team ?
7) If there is a Linux base open source available, then does this mean there will soon be a Linux based commercial Ryzom to be made available ?
8) Again on the Linux base subject, I am downloading the Ryzom Client Core. But since there is only a Windows base available and they are allowing a Linux base development environment, it kind of makes me wonder more about question 7. Will there be a Linux base Ryzom Client Core available ?
9) Has this news been passed on to Game News sites (ex: to inform the whole world ?
As I get more feed from this news, I will probably have additional questions.
Replies (7)
RE: Questions related to the release of the Ryzom Core Open Source project
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
I will try to answer to some of your questions (about code) because I can't answer to other ones :)
3) If you go to you will notice that at least 3dsmax 2008, 2009 and 2010 are supported :)
8) For the moment, the Linux client partially works (there are still some problems to fix)
9) Yes, even the slashdot effect :)
RE: Questions related to the release of the Ryzom Core Open Source project
Added by browser_ice about 5 years ago
So for creating any 3d content I am out of luck ? I do not have the money to upgrade to anything.
What about 3rd party softwares like Milkshape or the likes ?
RE: Questions related to the release of the Ryzom Core Open Source project
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
If someone have the Max SDK with 3dsmax 2007, he will be able to compile 3dsmax plugins :)
(I will check which 3dsmax version I have and see if I can compile thme myself)
RE: Questions related to the release of the Ryzom Core Open Source project
Added by sfb about 5 years ago
As kervala said if you have the SDK for 2007 you should be able to build it and run it. The MAX plugin has changed very little since it was originally authored (circa 3DSMAX 3, iirc, very old) so it should theoretically compile and work just fine.
As for your other questions this project is independent from Ryzom the game. This is why we're using the distinction of Ryzom Core versus Ryzom. If you have game content or game design (levels, missions, quests, etc) that you would like Ryzom to implement you will need to use Ryzom's own suggestion system. If having this source and content available allows you to produce a more detailed request or even to provide them with a patch then more power to you and the more likely you are to have your suggestion accepted. However the process of getting game content changes in is completely independent of this project.
As far as contributions are concerned the Ryzom community is considering a Ryzom Contributor Agreement modeled after the Sun Contributor Agreement or the OpenNMS Contributor Agreement in which you as an author you retain your copyright but also afford full rights to the work to Ryzom. This allows you to use your source anywhere you want and under any license you want but allows us to as well use it as we like in the project. This is important as if there are too many copyright holders involved in the infringement of the code legal action can be difficult if not impossible. Again, we're working on this and expect to have something ready before we have serious contributions.
And yes a supported Linux client for the Ryzom game is also a near-term goal of ours.
RE: Questions related to the release of the Ryzom Core Open Source project
Added by browser_ice about 5 years ago
Thank you for your replies. I have used part of it (tell me if you object to it) to post back at the Ryzom commercial game forum to prevent any one from thinking :
1) that this project is the official game gone Open Source
2) that it does not mean they can successfully or think they can change the commercial game or contribute to it, through this project.
RE: Questions related to the release of the Ryzom Core Open Source project
Added by sfb about 5 years ago
1) This project is most definitely not the official game itself. This is a distinction between us and, say, Second Life. In Second Life you're modding the client that connects to their game. Any work you do on Second Life benefits Linden Labs. With Ryzom Core it may or may not benefit Ryzom the game. Our hopes, obviously, is that it will. That it will help make the services, tools and client more stable. That new and exciting tools will emerge that make adding new content to the game easier or more engaging. But it also allows you as an individual to take it all and go and do something radically unique and independent of the Ryzom game.
2) Any work done in the Ryzom Core project will benefit the game. It will result in a better client and maybe more features. But it will not come in the form of new quests and things of that nature. Because you have access to the content creation tools to generate missions and design continents and so on you are, however, empowered to make much more detailed and complete suggestions to the Ryzom feedback site thus improving your ability to add content to the game.
Feel free to share this with any forum or point them here or to the IRC channel if they have questions. We'er more than happy to answer them.
RE: Questions related to the release of the Ryzom Core Open Source project
Added by DavieAlvin about 3 years ago
I have worked as a data security developer for a couple of years and I must admit that your copyright questions are highly justified. When the community designs and develops elements of the game, there should be some form of contract stating exactly who will further own the copyrights after it's introduced in the live version. If you are not willing to give anything up, you would better clear this issue up before getting started on developing anything.