More than 1 world
Added by theWeird about 5 years ago
I am planning an online game which will play on several planets in a solar system.
As I see in your WorldEditor Tutorial Ryzom Core handels just 1 planet.
Is there a feature planned in future to handle more than 1 planet, each with a defined position in solar system?
Regards, Michael
Replies (5)
RE: More than 1 world
Added by vl about 5 years ago
Ryzom Core doesn't handle space, spaceship or things like that, solar system.
What you can do is create more than one landscape with very different look, and use teleport system to move from one landscape to another.
RE: More than 1 world
Added by theWeird about 5 years ago
I think that's enough at the moment.
Another question:
In another thread was said that some data of the game are stored in XML-Files, others in MySQL database.
Is it possible to store all data in MySQL?
RE: More than 1 world
Added by ulukyn about 5 years ago
theWeird wrote:
In another thread was said that some data of the game are stored in XML-Files, others in MySQL database.
Is it possible to store all data in MySQL?
You can if you want, but i think this is totaly useless and you will lose in performances.
All needed files are stored in RAM when services start. So, this is the FASTEST way to access to data.
RE: More than 1 world
Added by sfb about 5 years ago
I agree with Ulukyn but if you wanted your world persisted to MySQL (however not authored) you would probably start by looking at how the BMS works.
RE: More than 1 world
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
I have a feeling the sql things going pop up a lot. A lot of emulators lets just keep it at that use MySQL and they all are use to everything being in a database.
For example if I wanted make a NPC lets say it be easier make a custom online php tool with everything I need then trying to fiddle with some local tool.
Also works well when working with multiple partners.