Snowballs2 shape ressources
Added by Priato about 5 years ago
I've tried to execute Snowballs2 after compiled it but a message informs me than "nel_logo.shape" ressources needed. I've searched for this shape into Ryzom asset repository and on the web but I can't find it.
I've tried to replace this shape by another but I've found an unpublished crash... Of course, it's not the right solution...
Any idea where I can find this shape or maybe make it with an editor like "Object Viewer"?
When I take a look at code I can find the following instruction (snowballs_client.cpp line:914):
914 Logo = LogoScene->createInstance("nel_logo.shape");
I've also found a reference to nel128.tga and snowbg.tga :
896 NelLogo = Driver->createTextureFile("nel128.tga");
897 // NevraxLogo = Driver->createTextureFile("nevrax.tga");
898 SnowballsBackground = Driver->createTextureFile("snowbg.tga");
Maybe I have forgotten to download the right art ressources.
One more question:
Can we access to specification for Ryzom shape?
Replies (2)
RE: Snowballs2 shape ressources
Added by Priato about 5 years ago
I have found the lost ressources into the snowballs-0.4.0.tar.gz.
Sorry for this post but maybe it will help someone else.
RE: Snowballs2 shape ressources
Added by kaetemi about 5 years ago