Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too:

Added by Kane about 5 years ago

1) naming service asking for data_www
naming_service.cfg line 298 "data_www" What is data_www and what should be in the folder?

2) I get this in a couple of the server logs:
path.cpp 1416 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap: PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(ai_service.cfg, ./sheet_pack_cfg/ai_service.cfg, 0, cfg): already inserted from './', skip it
What does it mean?

3) Admin Service trying get RRD working
I'm trying get C:\bin\rrdtool.exe working I downloaded it and test command line looks like it should work but I always get these errors:
WRN f50 common.cpp 650 NLMISC::launchProgram: LAUNCH: Failed launched 'rrdtool' with arg 'create save_shard/rrd_graphs/ios.ProcessUsedMemory.rrd --step 60 DS:var:GAUGE:120:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:100:1000' err 2: 'The system cannot find the file specified. WRN f50 common.cpp 650 NLMISC::launchProgram: LAUNCH: Failed launched 'rrdtool' with arg 'update save_shard/rrd_graphs/ios.ProcessUsedMemory.rrd 1273684602:29.000000' err 2: 'The system cannot find the file specified. '

4) AI Services had this error though I have the right structure:
WRN 618 path.cpp 1862 NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate: Can't get modification date on file 'C:/server/code/ryzom/server/data_shard/ais.packed_sheets' : The system cannot find the file specified.
I even copy/pasted that and it try to open this file with what program so I guess it's strange lol

5) Welcome Service offers a strange error:
WRN e74 unified_network.cpp 357 NLNET::uncbMsgProcessing: HNETL5: Can't find callback 'MIRO' called by service 131

6) EGS offers a strange warning too:
RN 634 persistent_data.cpp 847 CPersistentDataRecord::fromBuffer: Failed to parse buffer due to invalid header

Replies (13)

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by Lunchbox about 5 years ago

Figured I would add to this instead of a new post.

Im also getting similar messages as Kane plus a few others. The rrdtool is throwing a bunch of errors like the above in the admin service console.
Seems the restart commands are not being registered by the services, or at least obeyed. Amazingly the kill or stop serivce commands works on a few of the services.

2010/05/12 11:05:53 WRN 1274 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-130 path.cpp 1862 NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate : Can't get modification date on file 'C:/ryzom/server/data_shard/egs_outposts.packed_sheets' : The system cannot find the file specified.
Doesnt seem to be generating.

Three of the services are not closing or closing correctly when using the stop.bat.
Tick Service throws up a windows error box asking to close the app.
-Session Browser Service never closes and has to be closed through task manager.
-and Im not sure but this one could be coming from the entity service?
@A failed assertion occurs
ProcName: WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131
Date: 2010/05/12 11:20:11
File: .\net\module_manager.cpp
Line: 659
FuncName: NLNET::CModuleManager::releaseModuleProxy
Reason: "sanityCheck == NULL"

Log with no filter:
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_antikamis
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_goo_heads
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_green_seed
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_ancient_dryads
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_sap_slaves
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_first_deserter
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_matisian_border_guards
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_the_slash_and_burn
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_ecowarriors
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_woven_bridles
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_the_arid_matis
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_oasis_diggers
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_sacred_sap
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_siblings_of_the_weeds
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_darkening_sap
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_the_kuilde
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_black_circle
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_company_of_the_eternal_tree
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_cute
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_frahar
2010/05/12 11:16:35 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 fame.cpp 537 : TRIBE THRESHOLD TABLE: tribe_gibbay
2010/05/12 11:16:36 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 mirror.cpp 1811 : Mirror system ready, all MTR Tags
2010/05/12 11:16:36 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 egs_mirror.cpp 195 : 0 target lists from previous session cleaned at connection of 131 (0 cells)
2010/05/12 11:16:36 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 guild_manager.cpp 1366 : Loading outposts from save files...
2010/05/12 11:16:36 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 stat_db.cpp 975 : SDB: initMFS: send 2659 bytes to MFS
2010/05/12 11:16:36 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 : Executing command : 'PeopleAutorized 255'
2010/05/12 11:16:36 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 : Variable PeopleAutorized = 255
2010/05/12 11:16:36 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 dynamic_items.cpp 204 : Loading all sale store items...
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 dynamic_items.cpp 330 : All items loaded in 48593 ms
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 entities_game_service.cpp 1947 : Tick 62795 - Connection of the service (name AIS, Id 133)
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 egs_mirror.cpp 195 : 0 target lists from previous session cleaned at connection of AIS-133 (0 cells)
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 entities_game_service.cpp 1947 : Tick 62795 - Connection of the service (name FS, Id 135)
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 entities_game_service.cpp 1947 : Tick 62795 - Connection of the service (name IOS, Id 134)
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 entities_game_service.cpp 2005 : IOS connection, serviceId 134
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 entities_game_service.cpp 1947 : Tick 62795 - Connection of the service (name GPMS, Id 132)
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 used_continent.cpp 60 : UsedContinent: using continent 'newbieland' with instance 20'
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 used_continent.cpp 84 : Mapping logical continent 'matis_newbie' to physical continent 'matis'
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 used_continent.cpp 84 : Mapping logical continent 'zorai_newbie' to physical continent 'zorai'
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 used_continent.cpp 84 : Mapping logical continent 'terre' to physical continent 'terre_oubliee'
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 used_continent.cpp 84 : Mapping logical continent 'sources' to physical continent 'sources_interdites'
2010/05/12 11:17:25 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 entities_game_service.cpp 1915 : AI Instance 20 is up
2010/05/12 11:20:06 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 unified_network.cpp 187 : HNETL5: - connec 'CLT 00A9FE18 (socket 424)' BS-256
2010/05/12 11:20:06 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 _backup_service_interface_non_module.cpp 168 : Backup service disconnects: (name BS, Id 256)
2010/05/12 11:20:06 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 player_manager.cpp 2360 : braodcasting message: System event : Service DOWN : BS
2010/05/12 11:20:06 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 entities_game_service.cpp 2087 : Tick 64402 - disconnection of the service (name BS, Id 256)
2010/05/12 11:20:06 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 service.cpp 1344 : SERVICE: The window displayer was closed by user, need to quit
2010/05/12 11:20:06 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 service.cpp 1524 : SERVICE: Service starts releasing
2010/05/12 11:20:06 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 dynamic_items.cpp 340 : Saving all sale store items...
2010/05/12 11:20:06 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 WRN 1344 backup_service_interface.cpp 189 : Failed to send file "sale_store/sale_store_0000_pdr.bin" because the backup services are all down!
2010/05/12 11:20:11 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 INF 1344 module_manager.cpp 343 : ModuleManager : unregistering factory for module class 'LoggerServiceClient'
2010/05/12 11:20:11 WIN-PLA69MP46CZ/EGS-131 AST 1344 module_manager.cpp 659 : "sanityCheck == NULL" @

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by vl about 5 years ago

I add a small doc on how config file works:


1) naming service asking for data_www

As mentioned in the wiki page, i think NS doesn't use this variable and should be removed.

2) I get this in a couple of the server logs:
path.cpp 1416 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap: PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(ai_service.cfg, ./sheet_pack_cfg/ai_service.cfg, 0, cfg): already inserted from './', skip it
What does it mean?

File names must be unique so if the file is found more than one time, there's a warning to say a file is duplicated. There's 2 reasons for that: we add 2 times the same path (i think it s the case for you), or 2 files have the same name.

3) Admin Service trying get RRD working

It just says that rrdtool.exe is not found. the path where the exe is should be in your PATH env var.

4) AI Services had this error though I have the right structure:

It's a normal warning (need to refactor some code to remove it)

5) Welcome Service offers a strange error:

Just mean that WS received a message named MIRO and WS doesn't know how to handle it. It's normal a problem since WS doesn't have to handle it :)

6) EGS offers a strange warning too:

For this one, I don't really know, it seems that EGS cannot read a file. Need to debug :)

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by Korath about 5 years ago

for 3)

i tried a lot of things to get i to work, the solution at the end was to change RRDToolPath = "rrdtool"; to RRDToolPath = "c:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe"; in admin_service_default.cfg

i had the Path to rrdtool in Path env variable but it only works when setting the path directly

now i can see outputs in the admin tool too (under graphs) but no pictures yet, seems i still miss something

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by Kane about 5 years ago

I see one of the pictures and that's it. That was also the case for me too where you had to add the path where it was not in the config.

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by mixxit about 5 years ago

all of these issues i'm receiving and thanks to this thread the rrdtool one is ok now

i may be using your binaries kane but i'm not sure - i grabbed the ones from the binaries wiki page

any help would be appreciated as i cannot connect due to being redirected to the nameserver when i open my client

2010/05/14 23:22:55 WRN 1488 Bolly-PC/NS-1 buf_sock.cpp 444 NLNET::CNonBlockingBufSock::receivePart : LNETL1: Socket SRV 00D4AE28 (socket 688) received header length 1347375956 exceeding max expected 200000000... Disconnecting

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by Kane about 5 years ago

Not sure about the error but all my binaries I use on my own server as well so they do work.

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by mixxit about 5 years ago

this is happening with all binaries for me (your 402, a build from client, original client version)

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by Kane about 5 years ago

Okay since your saying happens to all my binaries why not you make your own binaries then say opps this is an error happening to me. lol

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by mixxit about 5 years ago

i already did

this is happening with all binaries for me (your 402,* a build from client*, original client version)

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by Kane about 5 years ago

cheats lol. Not sure tbh in fact it works still right? I think I seen the error my self.

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by mixxit about 5 years ago

your binaries work for everyone but me (and they DID work for me!)

i just can seem to figure out why they stopped

seems to be something with nel networking maybe or the way naming server handles clients?

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by Kane about 5 years ago

Not sure I will compile the latest for fun for ya see if that works :)

RE: Few Questions for Config Files maybe issues too: - Added by xingbarking over 4 years ago

HI,The same to you :)how to slover?!
