How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
I created test level in World Editor but I don't know how to transfer it to the game server so it can became playable.
Is there any document about that?
If yes I would appreciate link to it.
Do I need to copy files created by World Editor to server part and place in some directory manually OR World Editor must be connected/logged server part and I can just "publish" world to server?
Replies (29)
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by MMOInteractive about 5 years ago
No there is no documentation about it yet. I am going to be working on figuring that out today and if I get any where I will let you know. Please do the same for me if you figure it out first!
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by kerozcak about 5 years ago
WorldEditor doesn't have to be connected to the server. You just have to copy files to the server directory code/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign (keep the directory structure the same).
Did you create completely new continent or edit default newbie continent?
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by MMOInteractive about 5 years ago
Theres more then that involved because the pac files have to be recreated for collision and everything. Thats the part I am not sure about.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
I created totally new 2 small regions for test (not full continent) in World Editor.
I don't know how to make those pac files and generally
what is step by step process after creating new region in World Editor
to make region playable.
Also I don't know:
- how to define starting point where player appear when entering game \
(assuming player starts from my region)
- how to set up portals between regions so player can move
between regions like it is done in original Ryzom game.
What I want to do is to define game start spawn point for player after player enters game (I don't want to use starting insland) and then how to define exit portal from region 1 to region 2.
Such information would be enough to make a game on ryzom core game engine. Without that info it's simply imposible to do orginal game beyond starting island.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by MMOInteractive about 5 years ago
My advice is to use the Newbie Island as a starting point to figure everything out one step at a time then once you have things figured out then you can create your own from there.
I have figured out how to add new places, quests, and npcs. I am now trying to figure out how to add on to Newbie Island's land area. Then I will figure out about adding new mobs with new models. At that point I will be ready to create my own game from start to finish.
Just some friendly advice but feel free to disregard it if you want.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
If anyone figures this out please please make a good wiki page with a few screenshots. Your not only helping us but your helping your self. Sort like I do precompiled bins for people hoping some of the things like this will get touched earlier then later :)
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
While working on starting island may be good excercise it definity no good to use starting insland in a new game?
Because most people will do it and when player enters 10th game with the same starting area they will just leave immediately.
So I personally don't want to spend time on starting island but start work with my own regions as soon as I can get them into engine.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
I agree with Andrew. NO ONE SHOULD EVER say "My advice is to use the Newbie Island" Sorry MMOInteractive. It's more of an example to understand for us more then a player. The whole point was for us to use the assets but try to create your own:
- Terrain
- Names
- Skills?
- Items
- Missions
Pretty much all the content names quests story the works. The only hard part were pretty much given is terrain making and we could do that we just all need to work together make some Wiki guides hell make a couple of youtube guides.
Were a big big family :)
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by MMOInteractive about 5 years ago
So instead of moving on to more simple stuff using newbie Island you guys think we should just all remain stuck trying to figure out adding land? If we all did that then no one would get any where and no one would ever figure anything out. All I am suggesting is to use Newbie Island personally your self NOT on a live server to figure out how to do things until some one has figured out how to add land.
I can only speak for my self but yesterday I was getting bored and discouraged not being able to do anything so I decided to move to something more simple that I could figure out. Being able to accomplish something renewed my drive to figure other things out and now I am trying to figure out adding land again.
Once again I am not saying to use Newbie Island on a Live Server I am saying for you to use it personally as a testing ground to figure things out.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Rawfox about 5 years ago
After my shard is running so far, i made my thoughts.
Its a fact, it needs a group of people working on new land.
As we have access to the ryzom assets, it would be the easy start, just to make a new game, thats ryzom alike, but if you gonna add new land already, you soon wanna add new stuff like buildings, bodys, mobs ... just a new game. New rules, new mechanix, new this new that.
Me fears a little, that there is simple too mutch on the plate, to hump it now.
That would be easier in more then a year, when we have better concepts for a chain of web based editor tools that work with user/group permissions.
Also, new content/worlds is not within this projects borders.
I would welcome a project nr. 4: Ryzom Worlds.
That project would fit the gasp between the running client/server project and a "ready" public running server.
It includes the world creation process as well as the port of all nessasary tools to linux or web applications, so the possibility, to build new land with Blender or so.
It could be a production project what starts creating new lands and bring the artist community together to some groups.
The target could be, to show the process of world building and supporting new games based on all this stuff.
All in all i will go the same way as MMOInteractive went.
... just to see, how it works and to get closer to the magic :)
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
Rawfox while you are right and what you wrote would be good to have, it should be separate project (as you wrote).
But for this threat lets not get overly complicated.
For now I just want to know basic things like how to:
- Prepare region created in World Editor so it can be transferred to game server and played in client.
- spawn new player in that region
- add portal connecting region 1 with region 2
Without knowing above simple things all the rest just can't happen.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
Yeah not sure why anyone making big issues out of it anyways I know a lot the people who code are playing around already making their own maps for fun.
TBH lets put it this way for the people who say use what you got. You don't have it all in the converted formats anyways. You have to still open them in Max and do almost everything from scratch to bring it in the game. So really the Newbie island not going to do anything for us and yeah building the land is going be more of the toughest jobs out there.
Why? Because it's the only thing you really need to create by hand unless you want to use the old maps then you still gotta do the importing work.
Most people I have a feeling are going to use the models and such that come with the assets and guess what? I don't think I could stand porting them all and such for the game but I bet you someone or a few of us will do it and release it sort like I release bin files for you guys.
I really do think we should work together though and get things like models all imported into the game/client so we have that done.
But we still need to learn the process of the land creation to export and as far as I know export is going be the hardest.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by MMOInteractive about 5 years ago
I have created a new wiki page about how to add new land. As we learn new things about it we can edit the wiki page.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
I would appreciate answer from Ryzom core developer who can describe steps.
Just one sentence per step pointing us into good direction should be sufficient.
Looks like current nobody except core-developers knows the answer so it would
save a lot of time for everybody if we could get the answer
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by MMOInteractive about 5 years ago
Yes it would be helpful but instead of posting almost the exact same thing in several threads why don't you help the community figure things out like the rest of us are doing.
There maybe things you know about it that I haven't figured out yet so why don't you go and edit the wiki page and add anything else there that you know that I didn't put in.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
I agree with MMOInteractive. Yeah it be nice but their not our bitches and hell learning is fun. We come this far ;)
MMOInteractive stated this amazing wiki page :)
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
Community adding to wiki is great and we definitely should do it but direct answer from is a shortcut which speed up process.
While I agree that learning by itself may be fun for some people (and that's great) my goal here is to have the game.
Of course learning the engine is a must but researching by ourselves how to add region from WorldEditior to engine is not learning but reasearch.
Since that knowledge is right there at developers head is re-inventing the wheel
Time spent reseaching it could be better spend contributing it to actual ruzom core engine changes or just working on the game.
Generally I whould ask anybody answering questions from threads I created to stay to be pragmatic.
Our common goal here is to have working games so I suggest stay on course to it.
Answers like this is open-source and everythning is possible is not helping at all.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by MMOInteractive about 5 years ago
Yes but the point is I highly doubt we are going to get a answer from the developers. They are just as busy if not more so then we are. They already have a Full commercial MMO they are trying to maintain on top of adding to Ryzom Core.
Seems to me your just trying to take the lazy way out which if your going to make a MMO you are going to have to put work into it and not expect the answers to always be giving to you.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
MMOInteractive - while you are making negative assumption that developers will not help community?
I think developer have been great so far with answering many of my and others people questions and I am very gratefull for it.
Developers spends great amount of time preparing code to be ready for open source and I am sure they want ryzom core to be used for games.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
Developers do help I think the best part is they may not see every post and I don't think they like to be asked a 10000 times for things. It's best to ask we try to figure it out and when ACE or someone wants to step in then they will at their own choosing ;)
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Rawfox about 5 years ago
you want to have a look at code\nel\tools\3d\build_gamedata\
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
Does anybody found out steps how to transfer region from World Editor to server so it playable in client yet?
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by nimetu about 5 years ago
land_export can generate .zonel files that appear in client, but no collision so you flying thru landscape.
probably also requires zone_welder and build_rbank from nel tools.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by MMOInteractive about 5 years ago
Like was already stated check out build_gamedata. However Kaetemi is working on a whole new game data exporting pipeline so if you can wait then I believe that will be ready sometime over the weekend I believe he said.
RE: How to transfer level created in World Editor to the game server?
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
Very cool MMOInteractive keep us updated =)