Is "escort" quest possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
I read information is this file but I am still not sure if it is possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code.
What I mean by escort quest is:
- player talks to NPC to be rescued
- NPC show text dialog and start walking to pre-set location 1
- after reaching (alive) pre-set locaton 1 NPC show text dialog and quest is fulfilled
- after showing that text dialog NPC start walking to location 2
- after reach location 2 (or beying killed) NPC dissapear and appear back at start location waiting to be rescued again by other player
Please let me know if this is possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code.
Replies (9)
RE: Is "escort" quest possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code
Added by kaetemi about 5 years ago
I've seen such a mission being in test phase at some point on the ATS, so it should be roughly possible.
RE: Is "escort" quest possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
Could you explain steps needed to set up of such quest in ryzom core?
It would be enough to point to specific fuction in code.html for each step.
RE: Is "escort" quest possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code
Added by MMOInteractive about 5 years ago
Andrew have YOU done any work at all on YOUR game accept ask questions on here thinking people will answer all your questions and do all your work for you?
RE: Is "escort" quest possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
MMOInteractive - I didn't ask about your oppinion. Let me put this straight, this is development forum and NOT "who is bigger/badder alpha male" forum.
MMOInteractive, quit trying to hijack my threads with your opinions instead of discussing the topic at hand, thanks.
RE: Is "escort" quest possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code
Added by MMOInteractive about 5 years ago
Ok I am going to quit before I get in trouble however one last comment. The very first post I answered of yours I really tried to help you and you slammed me because I told you the truth and the truth meant a little work on your part. I and alot of others saw from the start that you were not willing to put the work into it and you expected everything to be done for you. So a little word of advice before leaving your threads alone. Get a life, Grow up, and stop expecting everything to be done for you!
RE: Is "escort" quest possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
MMOInteractive - read my previous post again and really quit trying to hijack my threads with your worthless opinions instead of discussing the topic at hand.
RE: Is "escort" quest possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
Escort would not be to to hard. I think you could even use the current system for escort aka linked npc's that walk together to npc following human player and if the player walks the npc walks and so on. It might need a bit of code twinking or it might work for scripting right out of the box.
RE: Is "escort" quest possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code
Added by linuxx about 5 years ago
I believe there is a scriped event "engine" (don't hold me to that) where you can create a scriped event to have an NPC walk into an area with "bad guys"...
Andrew, you need to calm the hell down. The reason why MMO gives you so much &#?@ is because you ask so many questions with no apparent effort or research from yourself. Show some effort. Learn the engine. If you don't want to code/learn the engine, then Ryzom core is too immature for you at time. There are plenty of other DIY MMO kits out there...
RE: Is "escort" quest possible to set up in current Ryzom core engine without changes to ryzom core code
Added by MMOInteractive about 5 years ago
Ok Andrew I am going to see what I can do to help you. How far have you gotten with adding quests and things like that? Another words what have you done so far so we can try to guide you from there?