Trouble building in 2005

Added by birvin about 5 years ago

Error 1 error C2326: 'int R2::CEditor::luaEnumInstances::CInstanceEnumerator::next(CLuaState &)' : function cannot access 'R2::operator !=' c:\MMO Source\code\ryzom\client\src\r2\editor.cpp 1572

Ok as it stands I only have VS 2005 and runing xp. I refuse to upgrade until i can buy a mac which is beside the point. I get that error when trying to build the client. Its under Client Project r2 editor when looking in solution explorer. I followed the steps of setting up the libs and other crap. Any one know how to fix this?

Replies (5)

RE: Trouble building in 2005 - Added by TomH about 5 years ago

I'm not sure if a vs9 project can be downgraded to vs8.

Try using the vs9 pro trial?

RE: Trouble building in 2005 - Added by birvin about 5 years ago

Could i just include the mfc directory from vs 2005 in 2008 and it work?

RE: Trouble building in 2005 - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

If that's the only compilation problem you have with VC++ 2005, you can try to fix it :)

Why do you refuse to upgrade to 2008 ? Do you know almost all of us are using vc++ 2008 express versions which are free ?

RE: Trouble building in 2005 - Added by birvin about 5 years ago

Because it doesnt have mfc in it. And alot of good it doesnt for me to upgrade and not beable to freaking build everything. Now if i can use 2008 express and just include the mfc directories from 2005 then some be it, but im not buying any more crap from ms.

RE: Trouble building in 2005 - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

You can download VC++ 2008 Full trial, install it, copy whole "atlmfc" folder, uninstall it and finally install VC++ 2008 express :) So you will be able to use MFC with express version :)
