Is there such thing

Added by owen_a almost 5 years ago


I was thinking since the official Ryzom Website has registration, which registers you with the game as well, Is there not one to download for me to put on my server in the www dir? So my users can register on the site?

Replies (3)

RE: Is there such thing - Added by ryzom almost 5 years ago

register yourself!

RE: Is there such thing - Added by owen_a almost 5 years ago

No, I mean register on the site without having to register in-game, when connected to my server. they can just register online and then use the username and password they registered on the web with to login to there account in-game.

RE: Is there such thing - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

To do so, you will have to create a website to request account creation on your mysql db.

The shard administration website is using 80 port by default.
You can change it for 8080 (for example) in the vhosts config and add your on account creation page on 80 port.

If you want to request from a remote website, you will have to add privilege to shard user for that remote host.
