Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by sm3 over 4 years ago
Does anyone have experience using the 2010 express version of Visual Studio yet? I decided to give it a try recently and was completely lost at first. They changed how to setup includes and also disabled the build/cancel menu by default.
Anyway, Ryzom Core compiles fine with it using cmake and nmake, however, when I try to build a *.sln and build that way it fails miserably. Seems to not be able to find includes for the most part.
Was wondering if someone had an easy fix for this. While nmake with VS 2010 works fine, I prefer to build in the IDE as well.
Replies (17)
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by sm3 over 4 years ago
Oh wait,
C:\ryzom\external_stlport\include\stlport\stl/_cstddef.h(31): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '../include/cstddef': No such file or directory
20> aes_module.cpp
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by sm3 over 4 years ago
Anyway, it's not really important. VS 2008 express works fine. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was regarding 2010.
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by kervala over 4 years ago
Ok it doesn't find the path to VC++ includes :)
It seems like our keys in registry and paths changed :(
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by sfb over 4 years ago
Please open a new issue for this. It should be that VS 2010 does not work under CMake due to the registry keys and file path locations changing. It will require a fix to one of our CMake macros.
Thank you!
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by sm3 over 4 years ago
Hi Kervala, sfb, will do.
I tried to look for red text in the cmake GUI. I only see the platform SDK line. Guess it's something hidden in a cmake file.
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by xingbarking over 4 years ago
hi,sm3,the same to you ,waiting answer!
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by Yar over 4 years ago
I already looked at some macros, but I can't find the one where we need to change the visual c++ registry keys and path locations.
So, the same to me ;-)
Would be great if we could use VS2010 (and I could uninstall VS2008 then ;-)).
Cya, Yar
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by Hialmar over 4 years ago
What I did is the following:
Edit nel.cmake in ...\ryzom\code\CMakeModules
Search for "/X" and comment out the line that reads:
You just need to put # at the beginning of the line.
Currently it's line number 296.
So you should have:
I'm compiling with VS 2010 currently and it seems to work so far...
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by Hialmar over 4 years ago
I managed to edit my reply. Please delete this message.
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by kervala over 4 years ago
The /X should ignore all VC++ standard include paths, it's used for STLport because it needs to be put before VC++ includes to work. If you don't want to compile with STLport, you just have to uncheck the WITH_STLPORT checkbox :)
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by Hialmar over 4 years ago
Ah okay thanks but I read in the wiki that people had problems if they didn't use STLPORT.
If this build fails I'll try without STLPORT.
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by kervala over 4 years ago
I don't know if STLport works with VC++ 2010 :(
For 0.9.0, I will install VC++ 2010 Express and try to fix CMake stuff which doesn't work with :)
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by Hialmar over 4 years ago
Not sure if it was related to VS 2010 but I had an "internal compiler error" on:
in file ctrl_text_button.cpp of ryzom_client.
I solved that by replacing it with:
if(NumTexture!=3) return false;
I know it's certainly not equivalent but it's the only thing I could find to avoid this "internal compiler error".
I'll update this message if everything works after this.
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by Hialmar over 4 years ago
Everything works now.
You'll say I'm crazy but currently I run everything on an EEEPC 1005 HA (I wanted to show a complete MMO to my students...).
I connected and killed a few Yubos :)
PS: I had forgotten to modify .../code/ryzom/server/frontend_service.cfg at first.
This is what needs to be edited
FSListenHost = "";
I put localhost there. Of course one would need to put their public address there instead.
Got that from:
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by VagabondEx over 4 years ago
@Hialmar: Thanks for the info, I just used this to compile the code, although it happened to me with the command line cmake/nmake method.
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by molator over 4 years ago
That info comes from:
You've got a link on the main page.
RE: Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express...
Added by VagabondEx over 4 years ago
Sorry I meant this one: "if(NumTexture!=3) return false; "