Time to wrap up the feature creep?
Added by ddougher over 4 years ago
I have been lurking for quite a while now and I am very, very impressed with the amount of work that has been done. However, I am beginning to see that version 8 is slowly sliding backward into a sea of feature creep. I would respectfully suggest that it is time to re-evaluate. I would suggest that the features that are not done be pushed to version 9, that Version 8 consist from this point totally of bug fixes and that Version 9 be reset to start in 02/11.
You guys have been going at it for a LONG time and the work is really top notch. But eventually you have to call an end to adding features, crush the bugs, and ship it.
I don't see anything in the features list that wouldn't do just as well getting pushing to the next version.
Just a suggestion from a guy who has seen way too many projects stall out because a line couldn't be drawn in the sand.
Replies (4)
RE: Time to wrap up the feature creep?
Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago
... with all respect due to the helpers here online, and to the makers of ryzom ...
... in my very humble opinion, and with my very limited experience with open source development: ddougher is (mostly) right.
(Perhaps a little more of some smaller steps? Some zero-dot-eight-dot-one? :)
RE: Time to wrap up the feature creep?
Added by kervala over 4 years ago
Features for 0.8.0 are :
The main goal of the version 0.8.0 is to have a great making tool system based on CMake and be able to generate packages with client, server, tools for GNU/Linux, Windows. NeL has already a CMake build system so we need to extend the existing system to work with Ryzom too. With this release, we should be able to generate Debian/Ubuntu/... packages, tarball and Windows installer with source code and with binaries.
They are not done :(
We can't generate fully functional packages yet.
RE: Time to wrap up the feature creep?
Added by aquiles over 4 years ago
Could you plz elaborate on what is not working yet to have little sum up of whats still to do?