Coding a vehicle in ryzom

Added by velteyn3 about 4 years ago

Hello all,
I 'm trying to put my hands on the source code and my objective is to code a vehicle for Ryzom.

My question is, where to start from ? I noticed the entity class: have I to extend that class to produce a new type of object ?

Where is the code that governs the physics of the player ?

Thank you for any suggestions !

Replies (4)

RE: Coding a vehicle in ryzom - Added by molator about 4 years ago

I can't help you much, but i can give you a clue.
There's a vehicule in the live server: mektoub.
It's not available in the core demo,
but you should find some code or comments about it.

RE: Coding a vehicle in ryzom - Added by sfb about 4 years ago

Molator's right - the Mektoub code is the quickest way to get started. They're referred to as 'mounts' in the code and sheets.

I think the basics to creating a mount is to define it with a mountable race (e.g. "mektoub mount") and then setting the "Mountable" value to "true" in the creature sheet's "Property" structure. I'm not entirely sure that "race type" is used as I cannot find it in the source code anywhere - but I did not do an exhaustive search.

You might also want to set Type to Pet, create a MountTicket item and add it to a vendor. There's some work in the primitive to set up Mektoub Shops and I'll have to look more into that for you.


RE: Coding a vehicle in ryzom - Added by velteyn3 about 4 years ago

Thank you for the suggests !! I'm going to dig deep into this !! :)

RE: Coding a vehicle in ryzom - Added by velteyn3 about 4 years ago

Thank you for the suggests !! I'm going to dig deep into this !! :)
