IS this still in
Added by crzyone9584 over 3 years ago
Is this Open source engine still in development? I've been looking around and haven't really seen anything orther than bug fixes and in the road map it seems that the new version is over 8 months due.
Replies (3)
RE: IS this still in
Added by molator over 3 years ago
Yeah the engine is still in development.
The new version is over dur but doen't mean that nothing is going on.
- Ryzom client works native and officially on GNU/Linux.
- Ryzom client works native and officially on Mac OS X.
- For the tool, since we need a big rework we plan to do that in the next version 0.10.0.
The live client (ryzom the game) is working on Linux:
The main tools are beeing ported from MFC to QT.
Ryzom Core is a MMORPG framework and that framework is working.
But the native tools aren't userfriendly.
So most of the efforts are concentrated on easing the content creation process.
If you're waiting for improvement of the engine (such as jumping), that's not a priority.
If you have a look here:
you will see that there's more than bugs correction.
RE: IS this still in
Added by kervala over 3 years ago
I could point you a lot of improvements which are not bug fixes, will you be able to find them ? :)
Edit: Oops, Molator replied before :p
RE: IS this still in
Added by crzyone9584 over 3 years ago
Thanks for the answers. I just wasn't sure. I dont need the small features. I was wondering if the main developers where still working on it. It looks really nice hopefully I'm able to get everything compiled later this weekend and start messing around with it.