Blender Importer

Added by NeoSpark314 about 3 years ago

I'm working on a Blender import script for Ryzom data assets. The goal is to be able to import the (already exported) data files like .shape, .skel, .anim, ... in a batch-process into a usable Blender scene. It is still in a very early stage but can import some .shape files with textures so it might already be useful to somebody. The script can be found at [[]].

Feedback is welcome. I'm currently working on .anim import but haven't yet figured out the correct coordinate system for the transform matrices.

blender_import_example.png - example of imported .shape files in Blender (403 kB)

Replies (6)

RE: Blender Importer - Added by kaetemi about 3 years ago

Tell me when the exporter is done. =p

RE: Blender Importer - Added by sfb about 3 years ago

Wow, this is pretty cool stuff!

Any chance you'd be interested in writing code to go the other way too? Being able to export from Blender to NeL/Ryzom would be huge! (=


RE: Blender Importer - Added by aquatic about 3 years ago

HI ! Very good news, I search for this type of importer (/exporter ? :)) for long month.

For information I have found one importer/exporter Max scene into blender (for the max ryzom assets), but Max is needed. If you're interested to this one here it is :
into download section, the first one script.

I think your script is better NeoSpark314, but I have a problem to install it. I have the good version of blender (2.62), and I use the normal script installation addons in user preference but nothing happen.
The script don't appear in the list, and so I can't activate it

Have you got idea ?

(I use Seven for the moment, yes I know...)


RE: Blender Importer - Added by NeoSpark314 about 3 years ago

You need to copy the file '' into your Blender script add-on directory (blender/2.62/scripts/addons); then it should be available in the user preferences to activate. I have not yet tested/implemented the user preferences script installation.

RE: Blender Importer - Added by aquatic about 3 years ago

Thank you for answer, but I've forgot to tell, I have tried this way you also explain in your "readme", and it's not work too. the script don't appear in the list.

RE: Blender Importer - Added by aquatic about 3 years ago

My apologies, I found my mistake, it was a bad save of the python file from the web site... So It's work great !!!
