GSoC 2012 Progress - Guild Ranks
Added by malikb979 about 3 years ago
Status update 1 - 28 April 2012
Last week's accomplishments
-Reviewed IRC conversations and organized current ideas
-Took finals, so time was limited
This week's goals
-Make sure I can merge properly
-Find and read all relevant code pertaining to the GuildRanks
-Start thinking about how to send data back and forth from client to server
This week's challenges
-The code base is HUGE
Replies (6)
RE: GSoC 2012 Progress - Guild Ranks
Added by malikb979 about 3 years ago
Status update 2 - 28 May 2012
Last weeks's accomplishments
-Wrote CGuildRank Class
-Wrote EGS Commands
-Wrote Mutator functions for CGuildRank in Guild.cpp
-Set up a shard for testing
What still needs to be done
-I made a minor oversight of not thinking about where the rank would be kept (needs to be saved in the CGuildMember class)
-Still need to merge
This week's goals
-Merge asap
-Change CGuildMember to include CGuildRank
-Create a structure on PD for guild ranks
RE: GSoC 2012 Progress - Guild Ranks
Added by malikb979 about 3 years ago
Status Update 3 (for last week) - 11 June 2012
Last week's accomplishments
-Got mercurial working
-set up client and got that working
-tested first egs command on the shard
What still needs to be done
-test the other egs commands
There was a fundamental change in how the guild ranks are to be structured around here \/ which had me refactoring some code that I had gotten ahead on. But now that code is done (although I still need to test it on the shard).
Status Update 4 - 11 June 2012
LAst weeks accomplishments
-Rewrote CguildRank to be a dummy class and wrote GCuildRankContainer to hold all of the logic
-Rewrote the CGuild functions to use the helper functions in CGuildRankContainer
-Rewrote the EGS commands
-Added in persistence
-Broke the shard, seemingly beyond repair
What still needs to be done
-Test all of the new code I've written
-Get Mercurial to work when I need it to
This week's goals
-fix the shard asap
-test and debug everything
-find out how much lua and xml I'll need to know to modify the guild manager interface
RE: GSoC 2012 Progress - Guild Ranks
Added by malikb979 about 3 years ago
Status Update 4 - 18 June 2012
Last weeks accomplishments
-Started testing guild rank commands in EGS
What still needs to be done
-Finish testing guild rank commands
This week's goals
-Complete making everything persistent
-Write all of the helper functions for ranks
-Change the way guild members are initialized so that they are given ranks instead of grades.
RE: GSoC 2012 Progress - Guild Ranks
Added by malikb979 about 3 years ago
Last week's accomplishments
-Wrote guild rank helper functions.
-Figured out it was going to take more time to finish the guild rank structure.
What still needs to be done
-Complete persistence
-Change the way guild members are initialized so that they are given ranks instead of grades.
This week's goals
-See "what needs to be done"
RE: GSoC 2012 Progress - Guild Ranks
Added by malikb979 almost 3 years ago
I was on vacation last week which is why I didn't post a status report.
Last week's accomplishments
-Added ranks to CGuildMember.
-Added commands to set and test what rank a CGuildMember has.
-Wrote more guild rank helper functions.
-Documented all existing current code.
What still needs to be done
-Figure out persistence.
-Talk with mentor about how ranks and grades will relate (in case not everyone wants to convert to ranks, I have to leave the option to only use grades).
This week's goals
-Get things to persist.
-Learn how to change the guild manager interface with lua and xml.
-Talk about and start coding the way guild grades will interact with ranks.
RE: GSoC 2012 Progress - Guild Ranks
Added by malikb979 almost 3 years ago
July 16 - 22
Last week's accomplishments
-Found where changes need to be made to make ranks persist
-Figured out how to make ranks replace grades without breaking everything
-Wrote more guild rank helper functions
-Added ranks to guild members pd
What still needs to be done
-Make persistence work
-Refactor the code to allow ranks to replace grades
This week's goals
-Get persistence 100% working
-Replace grades with ranks
-Get a basic interface working so I can start on the menu