Need help with all errors

Added by necropvn about 5 years ago

every time i select F7 when it compiles. most of the compiles are errors like this.

c:\Program Files (x86)\ryzom\code\nel\include\nel/misc/i_xml.h(29) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'libxml/parser.h': No such file or directory

and this.

c:\program files (x86)\ryzom\code\nel\include\nel\ligo\primitive_class.h(26) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'libxml/parser.h': No such file or directory

most errors are like that. i cant seem to fix it

i dont know what to do.

========== Build: 2 succeeded, 38 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Help.txt - all the errors (11 kB) Magnifier

Replies (10)

RE: Need help with all errors - Added by necropvn about 5 years ago

where do i put the file

RE: Need help with all errors - Added by necropvn about 5 years ago

i try ed it and it dosent work for me i don't know what I'm doing wrong what do i do after i get the whole thing

RE: Need help with all errors - Added by Kane about 5 years ago

Ur missing these

Extract it for example to D:\SOURCECODE\external This example and will follow using this example below.

Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 then Tools and Options...
From there collapse Projects and Solutions and then click on VC++ Directories.
Now the following Instructions will be titled Executable file, Include Files, and Library Files. Just point to the right paths were you installed the applications to the right directories type.
I will show you where mine are you need to make sure you points yours to the right location or you will have compiling errors like crazy. (Also double check after you save and close to make sure they sicked)

Third-party libraries Paths:
Library Files: D:\SOURCECODE\external\lib
Include Files: D:\SOURCECODE\external\include
Executable file: D:\SOURCECODE\external\bin

RE: Need help with all errors - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

You should use the last externals (those for NeL 0.8.0) :

You will have the choice between 32-bits, 64-bits and both of them :)

RE: Need help with all errors - Added by Kane about 5 years ago

I'm confused the ones I linked are 8.0 or the ones you said for us to get are 8.0?

RE: Need help with all errors - Added by Kane about 5 years ago

Okay well its good to use the latest stuff anyways ;) But yeah I built the nel client and server so far without issues. Just can't get the server running :( Thats another thread though.

RE: Need help with all errors - Added by necropvn about 5 years ago

well it did not work for me and its still not working i am having the same problem again and again


========== Build: 0 succeeded, 38 failed, 2 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

RE: Need help with all errors - Added by necropvn about 5 years ago

i getting more and more errors i cant give any logs because of too many errors i really need help
