Compiling issues:VS2008 Not Express
Added by vikarti about 5 years ago
While compiling Nel Tools,
there is no directory nel\Tools ,only Nel\Tool
and georg2csv project is absent(but solution references it)
nel_qt (from NeL's SVN repository) doesn't compile(and wiki doesn't point that Qt IS needed at all)
also, it's not fully clear - lists Mercurial repository which also contains NeL,etc
and lists SVN repository
Which NeL should be used for Ryzom Core?
Replies (2)
RE: Compiling issues:VS2008 Not Express
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
NeL SVN is going to be abandoned so you should only use Mercurial :)
And georges2csv is located in NeL tools folder : code\nel\tools\georges\georges2csv
RE: Compiling issues:VS2008 Not Express
Added by vikarti about 5 years ago
Re-build using HG
(was pointed to this on IRC)
thanks anyway.
right now there is problem with tile_edit_exe from tools - it looks like it has precompiled headers configured in .vcproj but code itself is not really using them. after disable PCH use - it compiled correctly