5 Compile Errors VS2008SP1 Help Please

Added by Archknup about 5 years ago

Project: admin_service

[code]Build Log Rebuild started: Project: admin_service, Configuration: Release|Win32
Command Lines Creating temporary file "c:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nelns\admin_service\obj\Release\admin_service\RSP00004732641744.rsp" with contents

mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol deflateEnd referenced in function "int __cdecl yaSSL::Compress(unsigned char const *,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?Compress@yaSSL@YAHPBEHAAVinput_buffer@1@Z)
mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflate referenced in function "int __cdecl yaSSL::Compress(unsigned char const *,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?Compress@yaSSL@YAHPBEHAAVinput_buffer@1@Z)
mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflateInit
referenced in function "int _cdecl yaSSL::Compress(unsigned char const *,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?Compress@yaSSL@YAHPBEHAAVinput_buffer@1@Z)
mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflateEnd referenced in function "int __cdecl yaSSL::DeCompress(class yaSSL::input_buffer &,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?DeCompress@yaSSL@YAHAAVinput_buffer@1@H0@Z)
mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflate referenced in function "int __cdecl yaSSL::DeCompress(class yaSSL::input_buffer &,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?DeCompress@yaSSL
mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflateInit
referenced in function "int __cdecl yaSSL::DeCompress(class yaSSL::input_buffer &,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?DeCompress@yaSSL@@YAHAAVinput_buffer@1@H0@Z)
mysqlclient.lib(my_compress.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _compress referenced in function _my_compress_alloc
mysqlclient.lib(my_compress.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _uncompress referenced in function _my_uncompress
admin_service_r.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 8 unresolved externals
Results Build log was saved at "file://c:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nelns\admin_service\obj\Release\admin_service\BuildLog.htm"
admin_service - 9 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Project driver_opengl:

Build Log Rebuild started: Project: driver_opengl, Configuration: Release|Win32
Command Lines Creating temporary file "c:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nel\obj\Release\driver_opengl\RSP00003F3264208.rsp" with contents
Creating command line "link.exe @c:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nel\obj\Release\driver_opengl\RSP0000413264208.rsp /NOLOGO /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT"
Output Window Compiling...
Generating Code...
Creating library ..\..\..\..\lib\nel_drv_opengl_win_r.lib and object ..\..\..\..\lib\nel_drv_opengl_win_r.exp
nlmisc_r.lib(pngread.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol inflateInit referenced in function png_create_read_struct_2
nlmisc_r.lib(pngread.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflate referenced in function _png_read_row
nlmisc_r.lib(pngrutil.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _inflate
nlmisc_r.lib(pngread.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflateEnd referenced in function _png_read_destroy
nlmisc_r.lib(png.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _crc32 referenced in function _png_reset_crc
nlmisc_r.lib(png.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflateReset referenced in function _png_reset_zstream
nlmisc_r.lib(pngrutil.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _inflateReset
nlmisc_r.lib(pngwrite.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflate referenced in function _png_write_flush
nlmisc_r.lib(pngwutil.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _deflate
nlmisc_r.lib(pngwrite.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflateEnd referenced in function _png_write_destroy
nlmisc_r.lib(pngwutil.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflateReset referenced in function _png_write_compressed_data_out
nlmisc_r.lib(pngwutil.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflateInit2
referenced in function _png_write_IHDR
..\..\..\..\lib\nel_drv_opengl_win_r.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 9 unresolved externals
Results Build log was saved at "file://c:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nel\obj\Release\driver_opengl\BuildLog.htm"
driver_opengl - 13 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Project driver_direct3d:

Build Log Rebuild started: Project: driver_direct3d, Configuration: Release|Win32
Command Lines Creating temporary file "c:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nel\obj\Release\driver_direct3d\RSP00003C32643644.rsp" with contents
Output Window Compiling...
Generating Code...
Creating library ..\..\..\..\lib\nel_drv_direct3d_win_r.lib and object ..\..\..\..\lib\nel_drv_direct3d_win_r.exp
nlmisc_r.lib(pngread.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol inflateInit referenced in function png_create_read_struct_2
nlmisc_r.lib(pngread.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflate referenced in function _png_read_row
nlmisc_r.lib(pngrutil.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _inflate
nlmisc_r.lib(pngread.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflateEnd referenced in function _png_read_destroy
nlmisc_r.lib(png.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _crc32 referenced in function _png_reset_crc
nlmisc_r.lib(png.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflateReset referenced in function _png_reset_zstream
nlmisc_r.lib(pngrutil.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _inflateReset
nlmisc_r.lib(pngwrite.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflate referenced in function _png_write_flush
nlmisc_r.lib(pngwutil.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _deflate
nlmisc_r.lib(pngwrite.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflateEnd referenced in function _png_write_destroy
nlmisc_r.lib(pngwutil.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflateReset referenced in function _png_write_compressed_data_out
nlmisc_r.lib(pngwutil.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflateInit2
referenced in function _png_write_IHDR
..\..\..\..\lib\nel_drv_direct3d_win_r.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 9 unresolved externals
Results Build log was saved at "file://c:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nel\obj\Release\driver_direct3d\BuildLog.htm"
driver_direct3d - 13 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Project dynamic_scenario_service

Output Window Compiling...
game_share_r.lib(object.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _compress referenced in function "public: void __thiscall R2::CObjectSerializer::compress(void)" (?compress@CObjectSerializer@R2@QAEXXZ)
game_share_r.lib(object.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _uncompress referenced in function "private: void __thiscall R2::CObjectSerializer::uncompressImpl(void)" (?uncompressImpl@CObjectSerializer@R2
C:\ryzom\ryzom\code\ryzom\server\Release\dynamic_scenario_service.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
Results Build log was saved at "file://c:\ryzom\ryzom\code\ryzom\server\src\dynamic_scenario_service\Release\BuildLog.htm"
dynamic_scenario_service - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Project Monitor service:

Output Window Compiling...
Generating Code...
mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol deflateEnd referenced in function "int __cdecl yaSSL::Compress(unsigned char const *,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?Compress@yaSSL@YAHPBEHAAVinput_buffer@1@Z)
mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflate referenced in function "int __cdecl yaSSL::Compress(unsigned char const *,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?Compress@yaSSL@YAHPBEHAAVinput_buffer@1@Z)
mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _deflateInit
referenced in function "int _cdecl yaSSL::Compress(unsigned char const *,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?Compress@yaSSL@YAHPBEHAAVinput_buffer@1@Z)
mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflateEnd referenced in function "int __cdecl yaSSL::DeCompress(class yaSSL::input_buffer &,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?DeCompress@yaSSL@YAHAAVinput_buffer@1@H0@Z)
mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflate referenced in function "int __cdecl yaSSL::DeCompress(class yaSSL::input_buffer &,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?DeCompress@yaSSL
mysqlclient.lib(yassl_int.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _inflateInit
referenced in function "int __cdecl yaSSL::DeCompress(class yaSSL::input_buffer &,int,class yaSSL::input_buffer &)" (?DeCompress@yaSSL@@YAHAAVinput_buffer@1@H0@Z)
mysqlclient.lib(my_compress.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _compress referenced in function _my_compress_alloc
mysqlclient.lib(my_compress.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _uncompress referenced in function _my_uncompress
C:\ryzom\ryzom\code\ryzom\server\Release\monitor_service.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 8 unresolved externals
Results Build log was saved at "file://c:\ryzom\ryzom\code\ryzom\server\src\monitor_service\Release\BuildLog.htm"
monitor_service - 9 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Replies (10)

RE: 5 Compile Errors VS2008SP1 Help Please - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

It seems like your VC++ doesn't find zlib.lib. Could you force a rebuild please ?

RE: 5 Compile Errors VS2008SP1 Help Please - Added by rc about 5 years ago

We have the exact same problem after synchronizing with the repository (VS2008SP1 @ Win2k3)
Same goes for attempting a clean build.

RE: 5 Compile Errors VS2008SP1 Help Please - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

I'm on this error :) I think it's a problem when compiling zlib :(

RE: 5 Compile Errors VS2008SP1 Help Please - Added by Kane about 5 years ago

Much difference from /491/external_stlport_32.7z ?

RE: 5 Compile Errors VS2008SP1 Help Please - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

Yes, new Lua and Luabind versions and all other 3rd part libs up-to-date :)

RE: 5 Compile Errors VS2008SP1 Help Please - Added by Kane about 5 years ago

Thanks kervala so much =)

RE: 5 Compile Errors VS2008SP1 Help Please - Added by Archknup about 5 years ago


Working Fine, Thanks a lot.

Trying to make a complete build (0 errors from now, including projects driver_direct3d etc.. )

RE: 5 Compile Errors VS2008SP1 Help Please - Added by Archknup about 5 years ago

Build project Client Failed:

Output Window Compiling...
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/ref.hpp(87) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/ref.hpp(88) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/ref.hpp(100) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/inheritance.hpp(86) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/inheritance.hpp(93) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/inheritance.hpp(102) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'is_user_defined'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : error C2065: 'by_value' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : error C2275: 'sint8' : illegal use of this type as an expression
C:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nel\include\nel/misc/types_nl.h(250) : see declaration of 'sint8'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'is_user_defined'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2086: 'int luabind::converters::yes_t' : redefinition
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see declaration of 'luabind::converters::yes_t'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2065: 'by_value' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2275: 'uint8' : illegal use of this type as an expression
C:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nel\include\nel/misc/types_nl.h(251) : see declaration of 'uint8'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2556: 'uint8 luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp(lua_State *)' : overloaded function differs only by return type from 'sint8 luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp(lua_State *)'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see declaration of 'luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2371: 'luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp' : redefinition; different basic types
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see declaration of 'luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2084: function 'int luabind::converters::match_lua_to_cpp(lua_State *)' already has a body
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see previous definition of 'match_lua_to_cpp'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(464) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(465) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'is_user_defined'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(465) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(465) : error C2086: 'int luabind::converters::yes_t' : redefinition
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see declaration of 'luabind::converters::yes_t'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(465) : error C2065: 'by_value' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(465) : error C2275: 'sint16' : illegal use of this type as an expression
C:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nel\include\nel/misc/types_nl.h(252) : see declaration of 'sint16'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(465) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(465) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(465) : error C2556: 'sint16 luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp(lua_State *)' : overloaded function differs only by return type from 'sint8 luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp(lua_State *)'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see declaration of 'luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(465) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(465) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(465) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(466) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'is_user_defined'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(466) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(466) : error C2086: 'int luabind::converters::yes_t' : redefinition
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see declaration of 'luabind::converters::yes_t'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(466) : error C2065: 'by_value' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(466) : error C2275: 'uint16' : illegal use of this type as an expression
C:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nel\include\nel/misc/types_nl.h(253) : see declaration of 'uint16'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(466) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(466) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(466) : error C2556: 'uint16 luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp(lua_State *)' : overloaded function differs only by return type from 'sint8 luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp(lua_State *)'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see declaration of 'luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(466) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(466) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(466) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(467) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'is_user_defined'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(467) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(467) : error C2086: 'int luabind::converters::yes_t' : redefinition
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see declaration of 'luabind::converters::yes_t'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(467) : error C2065: 'by_value' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(467) : error C2275: 'sint32' : illegal use of this type as an expression
C:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nel\include\nel/misc/types_nl.h(254) : see declaration of 'sint32'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(467) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(467) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(467) : error C2556: 'sint32 luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp(lua_State *)' : overloaded function differs only by return type from 'sint8 luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp(lua_State *)'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see declaration of 'luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(467) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(467) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(467) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(468) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'is_user_defined'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(468) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(468) : error C2086: 'int luabind::converters::yes_t' : redefinition
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see declaration of 'luabind::converters::yes_t'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(468) : error C2065: 'by_value' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(468) : error C2275: 'uint32' : illegal use of this type as an expression
C:\ryzom\ryzom\code\nel\include\nel/misc/types_nl.h(255) : see declaration of 'uint32'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(468) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(468) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(468) : error C2556: 'uint32 luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp(lua_State *)' : overloaded function differs only by return type from 'sint8 luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp(lua_State *)'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(463) : see declaration of 'luabind::converters::convert_lua_to_cpp'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(468) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(468) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'by_value'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(468) : error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1326) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1326) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1327) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1327) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1328) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1328) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1329) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1329) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1330) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1330) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1331) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1331) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1332) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1332) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1333) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1333) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1334) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1334) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1335) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1335) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1336) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1336) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1337) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1337) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1338) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1338) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1339) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1339) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1340) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1340) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1341) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1341) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1342) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1342) : error C3861: 'function': identifier not found
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1343) : error C2039: 'function' : is not a member of 'luabind'
.\interface_v3\lua_ihm.cpp(1343) : fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/ref.hpp(87) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/ref.hpp(88) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/ref.hpp(100) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/inheritance.hpp(86) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/inheritance.hpp(93) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
C:\ryzom\ryzom\external\include\luabind/detail/inheritance.hpp(102) : error C2065: 'you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file' : undeclared identifier
Generating Code...
Results Build log was saved at "file://c:\ryzom\ryzom\code\ryzom\obj\Release\client\BuildLog.htm"
client - 114 error(s), 0 warning(s)

The rest is fine, thanks in advance
