Shard wont run Ubuntu 9.10 - ryzom_admin_service

Added by linuxx about 5 years ago

I seem to be having this issue with the ryzom_admin_service after a successful compile. I tried to run "shard start", and I get this error. I tried to just run the ryzom_admin_service by itself, and I still get the error. Am I doing something wrong? admin_service.cfg does exist, and I can view/edit it with vi.

cbeagle@ryzom:~$ cd code/ryzom/server/
cbeagle@ryzom:~/code/ryzom/server$ src/ryzom_admin_service/ryzom_admin_service --fulladminname=admin_service --shortadminname=AS -C. -L. --nobreak --writepid
INF b785c6d0 command.cpp 145 registerNamedCommandHandler <Unknown> : CCommandRegistry : adding commands handler for class 'CModuleManager'
INF b785c6d0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'AdminExecutorService' factory
INF b785c6d0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'AdminExecutorServiceClient' factory
INF b785c6d0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'AdminService' factory
INF b785c6d0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'LocalGateway' factory
INF b785c6d0 module_manager.cpp 228 addModuleFactoryRegistry <Unknown> : Adding module 'StandardGateway' factory
INF b785c6d0 service.cpp 256 cbDirectoryChanged AS : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/cbeagle/code/ryzom/server/'
INF b785c6d0 service.cpp 256 cbDirectoryChanged AS : SERVICE: 'LogDirectory' changed to '/home/cbeagle/code/ryzom/server/'
INF b785c6d0 service.cpp 256 cbDirectoryChanged AS : SERVICE: 'ConfigDirectory' changed to '/home/cbeagle/code/ryzom/server/'
DBG b785c6d0 config_file.cpp 388 reparse AS : CF: Adding config file '/home/cbeagle/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg' in the config file
INF b785c6d0 i18n.cpp 559 _readTextFile AS : Preprocess: In file /home/cbeagle/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg(276) : Including 'admin_service_default.cfg'
INF b785c6d0 i18n.cpp 559 _readTextFile AS : Preprocess: In file admin_service_default.cfg(1) : Including 'common.cfg'
WRN b785c6d0 config_file.cpp 422 reparse AS : CF: Parsing error in file (null) line 0, look in 'debug_admin_service.cfg' for a preprocessed version of the config file
INF b785c6d0 config_file.h 337 EParseError AS : CF: Exception will be launched: Parse error on the "/home/cbeagle/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg" file, line 0
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'NLMISC::EParseError'
  what():  Parse error on the "/home/cbeagle/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg" file, line 0

INF b785c6d0 config_file.h 337 EParseError AS : CF: Exception will be launched: Parse error on the "/home/cbeagle/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg" file, line 0
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'NLMISC::EParseError'
  what():  Parse error on the "/home/cbeagle/code/ryzom/server/admin_service.cfg" file, line 0

Replies (13)

RE: Shard wont run Ubuntu 9.10 - ryzom_admin_service - Added by vl about 5 years ago

Can you attach the file:

debug_admin_service.cfg ?

RE: Shard wont run Ubuntu 9.10 - ryzom_admin_service - Added by kerozcak about 5 years ago

I don't have such file. Also in my config files there's no #fileline lines. Make sure you have newest files from repository. Make hg pull and hg update and check files again.

RE: Shard wont run Ubuntu 9.10 - ryzom_admin_service - Added by linuxx about 5 years ago

This debug file seems to be created dynamically. Attached are some commands I ran, and my other configs (after I ran a pull). None of the config files have changed since I compiled (looking at the changes in SVN) and the only change to config_file.cpp was to reduce the noise on compile.

Thank you both so much for your help.

commands.txt (6 kB) Magnifier

RE: Shard wont run Ubuntu 9.10 - ryzom_admin_service - Added by vl about 5 years ago

I have no problem with ubuntu 9.04 32bits. Can you provide more information about our system? os, g++ version...

It'll be hard to fix the problem without access to the system (can you provide a ssh access so we can do some debugging, testing?)

RE: Shard wont run Ubuntu 9.10 - ryzom_admin_service - Added by linuxx about 5 years ago

I followed the same process to compile again last night, and the shard seems to work now. I did nothing different this time, so I have no clue what fixed it.
I do get this error now;
ERROR: save_shard/rrd_graphs/egs.NbPlayers.rrd: illegal attempt to update using time 1273929018 when last update time is 1273929018 (minimum one second step)

save_shard is 777 (drwxrwxrwx).

Thank you all for your help.

RE: Shard wont run Ubuntu 9.10 - ryzom_admin_service - Added by rti about 5 years ago


I have the same "CF: Parsing error in file (null) line 0" issue here now, Ubuntu 10.4 32bit, running in VMWare.

Ace, if you are interested, you can get ssh access to the machine.
I will keep it as it is now and try the complete rebuild stuff on a copy of it.

RE: Shard wont run Ubuntu 9.10 - ryzom_admin_service - Added by vl about 5 years ago

Would be nice but i ll not be able to look at it until monday

RE: Shard wont run Ubuntu 9.10 - ryzom_admin_service - Added by rti about 5 years ago

Ok, it's saved and ready for you.
Will look further into it in the mean while.

RE: Shard wont run Ubuntu 9.10 - ryzom_admin_service - Added by rti about 5 years ago

Ok, here (on Ubuntu 10.4) the problem was solved by

1. Changing make_all to clean before building

diff -r e87eb99f42b5 code/ryzom/tools/scripts/linux/make_all
--- a/code/ryzom/tools/scripts/linux/make_all   Sat May 15 09:51:43 2010 +0200
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/scripts/linux/make_all   Sat May 15 11:43:38 2010 -0700
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 CFLAGS="-DFINAL_VERSION=1" CXXFLAGS="-DFINAL_VERSION=1" $RYZOM_PATH/tools/scripts/linux/build init nelns >>$LOG_INFO 2>>$LOG_ERROR

-#$RYZOM_PATH/tools/scripts/linux/build nelns clean
+$RYZOM_PATH/tools/scripts/linux/build nelns clean
 #verify $? BUILD NEL CLEAN

 $RYZOM_PATH/tools/scripts/linux/build nelns >>$LOG_INFO 2>>$LOG_ERROR
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@

 cd $RYZOM_PATH/common

-#make clean >>$LOG_INFO 2>>$LOG_ERROR
+make clean >>$LOG_INFO 2>>$LOG_ERROR

 make update >>$LOG_INFO 2>>$LOG_ERROR
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@

 cd $RYZOM_PATH/server

-#make clean >>$LOG_INFO 2>>$LOG_ERROR
+make clean >>$LOG_INFO 2>>$LOG_ERROR
 #verify $? CLEAN RYZOM

 make update >>$LOG_INFO 2>>$LOG_ERROR

2. Then deinstalling bison (because new parser code must not be generated)

sudo aptitude remove bison

3. Remove the generated parser file.

rm code/build/release/nel/src/misc/config_file/cf_gramatical.cpp

4. Now everything can be rebuild with make_all.

After that the shard came up cleanly without any config file parsing errors.

RE: Shard wont run Ubuntu 9.10 - ryzom_admin_service - Added by rti about 5 years ago

Might need some further investigation to solve this issue cleanly but I hope there will be a nice CMake solution soon anyway.
