Building, Configuring and Running the Ryzom Core for Windows(x86)
Added by zasdman about 5 years ago
I have followed this and everything is doing great until I get to the last part of it...
"This time click on the Start button to the right of where it says Apache. When that is done hit the Start button next to MySQL. Now you should be able to click on the Admin button next to that Start button you just clicked on for MySQL. A web browser should open up taking you to your phpMyAdmin website."
when I do this I get a "Not Found" error and its looking for a folder "localhost/xampp/" The guide just assumes all goes well... I have tried just localhost and I get "It's Working" but I can not get anything else to give me a positive....
I have even gone over this guide 2x to make sure I did it all correct and I followed it to the letter... :)
any help... would be helpful...
Replies (6)
RE: Building, Configuring and Running the Ryzom Core for Windows(x86)
Added by Phaelae about 5 years ago
I think I may have forgotten to write a step in that tutorial.
Try this... Open up your XAMPP control panel and hit the Setup button on the right side. A command prompt type window should open up.
There should be a list of options and 2 should say something about relocating the XAMPP directory. Make sure that is set to the correct directory where you installed XAMPP. Mine is X:\web\xampplite
Let me know if that resolves your issue.
RE: Building, Configuring and Running the Ryzom Core for Windows(x86)
Added by Rawfox about 5 years ago
a alternative sofware to manage your databases is the free version of Navicat, Navicat Lite (
RE: Building, Configuring and Running the Ryzom Core for Windows(x86)
Added by zasdman about 5 years ago
Well I downloaded the full version of Xampp and got a different error now... it says "object not found" error 404....
On the bright side the mysql works fine when I hit ADMIN...
RE: Building, Configuring and Running the Ryzom Core for Windows(x86)
Added by zasdman about 5 years ago
I am working on cleaning up this guide a little as its the only one I found to work for me :) I hope thats ok hehe
RE: Building, Configuring and Running the Ryzom Core for Windows(x86)
Added by Phaelae about 5 years ago
That's fine if you want to clean it up. Feel free to add whatever you want.
Sorry i've been very busy and haven't had a chance to get any further with writing this guide I'll get to it eventually :)
Glad you have found it helpful.
RE: Building, Configuring and Running the Ryzom Core for Windows(x86)
Added by zasdman about 5 years ago
Adding Screen shots for all the steps too. I want it to be "The Guide" hehe