Login server is in maintenance (3003)?

Added by Speedz about 5 years ago

Sorry to add to the can't get it to work threads but I am wondering what I should be looking at for this issue?

I was able to create my account on my server, it does populate the SQL table. But I can't get past this message.
Is there a config file I should look at or a set of files to make sure things are set correct?

Also I still do not show any shards open on my web admin util but it does show that there is a shard at 302 in the database, so maybe this is related?

Replies (11)

RE: Login server is in maintenance (3003)? - Added by kerozcak about 5 years ago

3003 means that r2_login.php script can't communicate with Shard Unifier Service.
You should check SU service log for any error messages.
You should see
INF b6883b90 ring_session_manager.cpp 1238 registerWS vigo/SU-0 : Adding WelcomeServer 'vigo:23450:ws' for ShardId 302
at the end of log if SU is configured and everything is working.

RE: Login server is in maintenance (3003)? - Added by Speedz about 5 years ago

Thank you for the reply.

I do have that line but I also have this spamming after it.

WRN 13e8 office-PC/SU-0 unified_network.cpp 489 NLNET::CAliveCheck::run : HNETL5: can't connect to BS-256 now (Socket error: Connection to office-PC:49990 ( failed (10061: Connection refused, the server may be offline))

RE: Login server is in maintenance (3003)? - Added by Speedz about 5 years ago

and this is in the log.log I tried looking around to see what causes this. But I have no clue here.

WRN e68 office-PC/LGS-0 unified_network.cpp 489 NLNET::CAliveCheck::run : HNETL5: can't connect to BS-256 now (Socket error: Connection to office-PC:49990 ( failed (10061: Connection refused, the server may be offline))

also found this in log.log

WRN 15c0 office-PC/AS-0 common.cpp 650 NLMISC::launchProgram : LAUNCH: Failed launched 'rrdtool' with arg 'create save_shard/rrd_graphs/rws.ProcessUsedMemory.rrd --step 60 DS:var:GAUGE:120:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:100:1000' err 2: 'The system cannot find the file specified.

RE: Login server is in maintenance (3003)? - Added by Speedz about 5 years ago

Ok, well I tried the precompiled binaries that were posted and with them I have the same 3003. So it is rather certain that it is my .cfg files or something of that nature. I am at a loss to find just what the issue is. I have followed the guides and looked through all the settings I could. Maybe I am missing something small and stupidly obvious.

I Thank you for posting the binaries, you guys are great! :-)

RE: Login server is in maintenance (3003)? - Added by kerozcak about 5 years ago

rrdtool is options, it's just a warning.
Maybe there's something wrong with your BS. Can you show your backup_service.log?

RE: Login server is in maintenance (3003)? - Added by Speedz about 5 years ago

Sure thing. I'll attach it as its rather large.

Thanks for the help.

backup_service.log (101.6 kB)

RE: Login server is in maintenance (3003)? - Added by Speedz about 5 years ago

Has anyone else battled this error and got past it? I have tried many many things and nothing seems to help. When I point a browser to the port it shows what it should but the client nor the admin web tools connect. The web tools load the correct page but do not show any shards online or offline but available.

RE: Login server is in maintenance (3003)? - Added by CatcherInTheRy about 5 years ago

I had this problem for a while, but after going through all of the service configuration files, thoroughly, I was able to get the client connected to the server running on the same local machine.

I added the steps to the document at: http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/ryzom/EverythingWindows.

Although these steps are for a Windows build, the information pertaining to the config files and database will be very similar, if not identical, under other builds. (the information I added about the Database set-up and config changes is at the bottom of the page, about the bottom third )

There are a LOT of configuration files (one for each service, and more). Things to be sure to check:

  • make sure your configuration files are looking at the right IP for server and database. (by default they look to 'localhost')
  • make sure you have set up your database(s). Namely: nel, nel_tool, and ring_open.
  • make sure you have set up a user to access your database tables. (by default: the cfg files expect this user to be named 'shard' with NO PASSWORD set)
This is another key step:
Once you have the databases set up, you need to make a minor change to one of the .cfg files in code/ryzom/server:
  • Open code/ryzom/server/frontend_service.cfg in a text editor and do a search for FSListenHost.
  • Change FSListenHost to = the address your server is running on (e.g.

These are the main points, but only part of the story. I think it might be beneficial to have a look at the above-linked wiki page (linked again here for convenience: http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/ryzom/EverythingWindows) even if you are building on a platform other than windows, as the database setup and server/client configuration will be very similar.

Hope this helps.

p.s. - a huge thank you to zasdman for starting that page, and to kerozcak for pointing me down the right path(and other contributions)

RE: Login server is in maintenance (3003)? - Added by Speedz about 5 years ago

Thanks for the replies. I saw those pages and used the instructions in each but still no go.

I am taking a break from trying for the moment just so I can build the ambition to wipe and start over.
I have pretty much tried all things I have searched on and nothing works so I think that is my only option at this point.
Maybe there is a stupid simple thing that was missed along the way or changed as this project has matured.

RE: Login server is in maintenance (3003)? - Added by Speedz about 5 years ago

I wonder why there isn't a link yet on the right of the page to the "Everything Windows" wiki page. Just like the linux setup and configure :-)
