problems with the web admin interface

Added by Rawfox about 5 years ago

hi there,

i finally managed to log locally into my own shard :D

now im running in problems, once i selected the shard "open" in the web interface, i get the error:
Can't connect to the callback server 'open:46700' (0: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. )

i have a feeling, that i crashed any config myself in the past ..
i got a complete new source, made it all over from scratch, but still get this error.

it is solved so far, when i add "open" in my hosts file, but that is too cheap anyhow eh ^^

so the default domain name and the default shard name is just open ?

can anyone remember where this comes from ?

Replies (2)

RE: problems with the web admin interface - Added by vl about 5 years ago

46700 is the listen port of the AS.

The admin web server try to connect to the AS to have information related to your shard.

Of course, i don't think "open" is the good ip. You should edit the nel_tool -> neltool_domains. Try to change the domain_as_host with the ip where AS is.

RE: problems with the web admin interface - Added by Rawfox about 5 years ago

thanks a ton, vl.
it works :)

still have some errors in therem i.e. rrd graphs are not created, a warning what i saw on the openshard example
(Warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 2 to be resource, null given in D:\Ryzom-Core\code\ryzom\tools\server\admin\functions_mysql.php on line 107)
and the logfile section, that comes with weired errors like
Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for /Documents and Settings in D:\Ryzom-Core\code\ryzom\tools\server\admin\functions_tool_log_analyser.php on line 19

but all in all, im logged in and playing.
