Client disconnected from server.

Added by Nephilin about 5 years ago

Good night guys :]

I'm still working on the server at this time :p, but i dont understand why the client disconnect from the server after login in.

The client, load all is required dependances and then at the connecting part, sometimes it success and then fail at the character creating window, other times it just fail.
Both with that message :

Connection failed. If you have just left the game then please wait 30 seconds for your previous character to be disconnected and try again.

Also, the log of the server log047.log give me only that results :

2010/05/29 05:11:12 INF 3078756576 unified_network.cpp 165 uncbConnection : HNETL5: + connec 'SRV 0xa2a$
2010/05/29 05:11:12 INF 3061853040 ring_session_manager.cpp 1296 reportWSOpenState : Welcome service 'n$
2010/05/29 05:11:12 INF 3078756576 unified_network.cpp 264 uncbServiceIdentification : HNETL5: + connec$
2010/05/29 05:11:12 INF 3078756576 unified_network.cpp 278 uncbServiceIdentification : HNETL5: Received$
2010/05/29 05:11:12 INF 3078756576 unified_network.cpp 1181 autoReconnect : HNETL5: reconnection to BS-$
2010/05/29 05:11:12 INF 3078756576 _backup_service_interface_non_module.cpp 153 cbBSConnection : Backup$

I'm going to take a rest now, my head's going crazy :p
Thanks if someone have an idea, regards.

Replies (21)

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by kerozcak about 5 years ago

Make sure you set FSListenHost in frontend_service.cfg to to address that's reachable by your client host.
You can also show your client.log (attack here or

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by Nephilin about 5 years ago

Hello, thanks for your answer!

Then yes the frontend_service.cfg is alright, and here is the log of one connection try from the successfull login to the problem.

Edit:// The attach file log :)

my_server_log.txt (39.8 kB) Magnifier

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by Nephilin about 5 years ago

Yes exactly this one with the last binaries.

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by kerozcak about 5 years ago

Well, i'm afraid i can't help you much.
You can check if any of services crashes.
You can also check if your client connects to openshard ( without problems.

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by Nephilin about 5 years ago

Yes it does, i connected before to that server without any problem.

That's weird !( I'm still searching !

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by Nephilin about 5 years ago

Hello here,

I still dont find any issues to that connection problem :( And then, i have to had a problem about login now, that error :

Error: invalid account (2101)

I already searched for solutions, and found one of yours Kerozcak, So i modified like u wrote the frontend_service file & restart the server.
With that patch i can connect to the server (even if it still disconnect me after a while) but after a longer "while", the 2101 error comes back..

And i found nothing into the logs about that.

Any idea ?

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by kerozcak about 5 years ago

2101 is login service error, which is handled by shard unifier service in Ryzom. Add:

DisableNLDebug 0

at the end of shard_unifier_service.cfg and restart SU. Try to login and post here the log of this service (shard_unifier_service.log), but use "attach file" this time!
Also check r2_login-*.log files (they are made by r2_login.php script)

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by Nephilin about 5 years ago

I'm sorry then for the flood of the other time, i'll fix it.

I just added your line and restart the server and now i get another one:

Error: the log-in server is in maintenance, please try later (3003)

Edit:// Added the attach file.
Edit2:// The 3003 error doesnt come without the config line in shard_unifer_service

Edit3:// Ok, i just understood.. Sorry for my beginner skills, i just attached the shard_unifer log.

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by kerozcak about 5 years ago

First, i think you put something wrong in shard_unifier_service.cfg, please attack it :)
Second, i think your backup service is crashing (i see in logs that it connects and disconnets), please attack backup_service.log ;)
When we sort that out (3003 error which is result of syntax error in shard_unifier_service.cfg), we can work again on error 2101 ;)

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by Nephilin about 5 years ago

And so, i corrected my mistake in the shard_unifer_service.cfg.

I checked the backup_service.log and found :

2010/06/01 12:07:44 WRN 3079288528 path.cpp 2374 setRWAccess : PATH: Can't set RW access to file 'save_shard/totems/totems_pdr.bin': 1 Operation not permitted
2010/06/01 12:07:44 WRN 3079288528 path.cpp 2397 deleteFile : PATH: Can't delete file 'save_shard/totems/totems_pdr.bin': (errno 1) Operation not permitted
2010/06/01 12:07:44 WRN 3079288528 path.cpp 2178 CopyMoveFile : PATH: CopyMoveFile error: can't rename 'save_shard/totems/totems_pdr.bin.tmp4421' into 'save_shard/totems/totems_pdr.bin', error 1

So i gave all the rights they need to the services and it work, no problem of disconnected client while creating character, or while just connecting. Thank for your advises :)

But for the error 2101, at that moment, i cannot verify if it work or not, beccause i had this problem only after a long moment.

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by Nephilin about 5 years ago

My mistake!

It is the 2105 error..

Error : invalid account (2105)

It just happend again, i was at my work, and when i came back to try something with an already created and played account on the server, i couldn't login.
I just got that error.

To repair it i have to shut down the shard, and to shut it on back.

My last message about your solution i already did on my server before is the one in attach file when i had before the 2101 error :)

mysql_wrapper.diff (983 Bytes) Magnifier

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by kerozcak about 5 years ago

2105, it's something new for me :)
can you attach shard_unifier_service.log and r2_login-*.log

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by Nephilin about 5 years ago

Here they are, i thought it was linked to the 2101 error, it seems i'm wrong.
But it is the same kind of error..

And if i restart the shard, all'll work fine, so maybe it is again a service witch is disconnecting after a while !

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by kerozcak about 5 years ago

2010/06/01 21:49:15 WRN 3078453472 mysql_wrapper.cpp 212 query : Mysql error : MySQL server has gone away

Hm.. so you applied my patch for mysql_wrapper? It was supposed to fix this problem ;)

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by Nephilin about 5 years ago

Good morning :)

Am i supposed to rebuild the sources of the server after applying your patch ?

I didnt beccause before applying it i had the 2101 error all the time, i even couldnt connect once. But after applying it, i could, all works fine, except after a while when that 2105 appear.

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by kerozcak about 5 years ago

Yes, you should rebuild server, or at least shard_unifier_service

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by Nephilin over 4 years ago


After a long time, i'm back here :) I have time know to get invest in all that world.
I'm going to re-organise my project around Open-Ryzom.

I just installed and configure my server, which is working.
Again, i got the 2101 error and applied your patch kerozcak, now i have to rebuild it.

I know how to rebuild all the server, but dont know how to rebuild only shard_unifier_service (or any service alone, just not all the server).
If someone can tell me how, it should be great :)

Thanks !

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by molator over 4 years ago

If you use make, it will only rebuild what depends on the file you changed.

RE: Client disconnected from server. - Added by Nephilin over 4 years ago

Yeah, i saw that, thanks :)
