Server compilation failed under Archlinux x86_64
Added by vbmithr about 5 years ago
Here are the logs, it seems there is a problem with NLLIGO…
[root@nerenyi linux]# echo $RYZOM_PATH
[root@nerenyi linux]# ./make_all
I’m root and I’m using the legacy make_all script, with the $RYZOM_PATH env variable properly set.
The compilation error happen in the very end, and I’ve got a lof of messages of this type in the error log:
3: undefined reference to `NLLIGO::IPrimitive::addPropertyByName(char const*, NLLIGO
Thanks in advance,
make_all_error.log (116.8 kB)
make_all_info.log (227.1 kB)
Replies (2)
RE: Server compilation failed under Archlinux x86_64
Added by rti about 5 years ago
I do not understand much french... but doesn't this mean "nothing to do for all" ?
Making all in ligo make[2]: entrant dans le répertoire « /home/vb/prog/ryzom/code/build/release/nel/src/ligo » make[2]: Rien à faire pour « all ». make[2]: quittant le répertoire « /home/vb/prog/ryzom/code/build/release/nel/src/ligo »
quite strange... or is this message normal?
i am not so familiar with the legacy build process... on ubuntu it just works :)
can you find somewhere after building?
RE: Server compilation failed under Archlinux x86_64
Added by vbmithr about 5 years ago
[vb@nerenyi ~/prog/ryzom/code]% find . -name "libnelligo*"
I can’t find any *.so, on the other hand, the tutorial specify to use build the server with static linking, so maybe it’s normal ?