Added by TomH about 5 years ago

The message DEV RYZOM CORE comes up at the top right corner.

Where can I find it and edit it?

Replies (5)

RE: DEV RYZOM CORE - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

Do you know the "search" function ? :)

RE: DEV RYZOM CORE - Added by TomH about 5 years ago

I already used the search and nothing comes up that helps with my question. ;)

So where can I find it? :P

RE: DEV RYZOM CORE - Added by Enoril about 5 years ago

Search "RYZOM CORE" words, "DEV" is added depending on your client build (FINAL_VERSION or not).

You find in this file: code\ryzom\common\src\game_share\ryzom_version.h


So after search "RYZOM_VERSION" + "DEV" words:

\code\ryzom\client\src\main_loop.cpp (3460)
\code\ryzom\client\src\progress.cpp (221)

The second files is the good


RE: DEV RYZOM CORE - Added by benoit934 almost 5 years ago

On Windows how i can add FINAL_VERSION ?

RE: DEV RYZOM CORE - Added by vl almost 5 years ago

On windows, you can add, line 31 in types_nl.h:

