Access Denied?
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
The admin_service window keeps giving the error:
2010/06/09 13:36:36 WRN 1994 J-PC/AS-0 common.cpp 650 NLMISC::launchProgram : LAUNCH: Failed launched 'C:/zyrom/rrdtool' with arg 'update save_shard/rrd_graphs/rns.ProcessUsedMemory.rrd 1276104996:479.000000' err 5: 'Access is denied.
I'm using windows so, how can I have an Access is denied message and how could I possibly fix this issue?
rrdtool is in the correct folder and here is the configuration file:
// Root directory where data from shards are stored into
SaveShardRoot = "save_shard";
RRDToolPath = "C:/zyrom/rrdtool";
RRDVarPath = "save_shard/rrd_graphs";
Am I missing something here?
Replies (5)
RE: Access Denied?
Added by Mankar about 5 years ago
It seems you missed a step in
"Now go to your source code directory and navigate to code/ryzom/server/save_shard and create a new folder in there and call it rrd_graphs."
The error looks like you never created that folder.
RE: Access Denied?
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
I have created that folder before so it is in there :)
Still showing up that error.
RE: Access Denied?
Added by Mankar about 5 years ago
RRDToolPath = "C:/zyrom/rrdtool";
Should that say zyrom or ryzom?
RE: Access Denied?
Added by xyber almost 5 years ago
Know this is old but since I did not see solution on forum with this I thought I'd reply with what I did to get rid of this message.
You have to specify the path the to executable, so in "admin_service.cfg" I would place.
RRDToolPath = "C:/zyrom/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe";
Assuming "C:/zyrom/rrdtool/" where you extracted/installed.
(now I have to figure out why I see broken image links rather than the graphs on my setup)