Added by TomH about 5 years ago
I have the source, but I can't find a guide on how to compile the files.
Anyone has a guide on how to compile this program?
Replies (10)
RE: object_viewer_qt?
Added by patodeborracha about 5 years ago
RE: object_viewer_qt?
Added by aquiles about 5 years ago
Here are my latest binaries
OVQTReleaseR28WinX86.7z (3.6 MB)
RE: object_viewer_qt?
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
I just created VC++ 2008 project because CMake didn't successfully generate it :(
You have to put sources in code\nel\tools\3d\object_viewer_qt, uncompress the .zip with project in this folder and open the solution.
To generate moc_*.cpp files, you'll have to select all files in "moc" filter, press mouse right button => "Properties" and in "Tool" select "Moc files".
Finally, you can build the project :)
The problem with .h files is they are already associated to "C++ headers" so VC++ doesn't want we override that by default.
object_viewer_qt.zip - VC++ 2008 project (3.3 kB)
RE: object_viewer_qt?
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
It gives the error:
error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "generating resources"
I followed the instruction about the Moc files and still have this issue.
RE: object_viewer_qt?
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
You need to put your qt\bin folder in PATH so moc, rcc, qmake, etc... are accessible from any location :)
RE: object_viewer_qt?
Added by molator almost 5 years ago
Here is my ovqt windows demo binary using qt stlport libs :
Coming soon tutorials to build qt with stlport and to build ovqt on windows.
While waiting, here is my qt stlport libs for windows :
RE: object_viewer_qt?
Added by molator almost 5 years ago
Howto build qt lib with stlport on windows :
Howto build object-viewer-qt (ovqt) with stlport on windows
RE: object_viewer_qt?
Added by aquiles almost 5 years ago
thx alot, that saves me some time :)
how about adding the howtos to the wiki?
greetz aquiles
RE: object_viewer_qt?
Added by molator almost 5 years ago
I could tranform my howtos into wikis.
My howtos should be validate first.
As ovqt is led by Dnk and Sfb, it must remain their decision.
Sfb suggested to add a stlport switch in CMake config to build ovqt with stl or stlport.
Maybe after that.