2 doubts and 1 error

Added by patodeborracha about 5 years ago

I would like to address the doubts that have at the moment in a single post! To make it easier for me and you ...

Compile NEL Libs = OK!
Compile SERVER = OK!
Compile CLIENT = OK!
Compile ALL Tools = ERROR!

Error´s in Attach File!

Second (Temp Fix with Binarie Tools = http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/ryzom/BuildForWindows )
I cannot unpack *.bnp
I Make an .bat for it.. example sfx.bat containing: make_bnp /u sfx.bnp
I Run it, and say bnp_make.exe that does not exist
I find the bnp_make.exe and it not exist in my directories

Third (Fix = Progress in 30% Translation of Ryzom)
As I translate the Ryzom?

Thank you for your attention

error_all_tools.txt (165.8 kB) Magnifier

Replies (3)

RE: 2 doubts and 1 error - Added by TomH about 5 years ago

BNP Tool is very easy to use and according to your attached .txt file the source code is located in d:\Ryzom\Ryzom\code\.......

*Ok do this:*

*Go to Start > Accessories > Command Prompt*

*In there type:* 


*Then type:*

cd d:\Ryzom\Ryzom\code\nel\tools\misc\bnp_make

_Note: Make sure sfx.bnp is in the same directory as bnp_make.. this will make your life easier._

*Then type:*

bnp_make /u sfx.bnp

That will give you a new folder called sfx with all the files inside.

I hope that helps.

RE: 2 doubts and 1 error - Added by patodeborracha about 5 years ago

bnp_make.exe not exist
not in bnp_make directorie, and not in obj/release :(

i download the binaries tools and copy to client/data.. it work! :P
but i not compile it :(

i make an Batch for Pack/Unpack/List All BNP Files, view:


RE: 2 doubts and 1 error - Added by TomH about 5 years ago

The correct name is bnp_make_r.exe

What error are you getting when trying to compile bnp_make?
