Edit the world
Added by katatafish about 5 years ago
Is there another tool to edit the world not only world editor?
Replies (7)
RE: Edit the world
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
You can edit .primitive files directly with your preferred text editor :) Sometimes, it's easier.
RE: Edit the world
Added by katatafish about 5 years ago
no i mean a 3d editor which it i could place the objects move them and give the npc´s the quests
RE: Edit the world
Added by patodeborracha about 5 years ago
friend, the maps of Ryzom are 2D ...
There are 3D .. would not then, nor logic, have a 3D map editor ...
The maps only contain X, Y.. Has no Z, who does the Z models are standing on top of map 2D =)
You can drag objects in the scene! X, Y
RE: Edit the world
Added by katatafish about 5 years ago
how could i drag objects in the sene( i don´t check the editor)
has anyone a tutorial(which describes how i could do anything with it)
RE: Edit the world
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
Why should there exist another editor ?
World Editor is the only editor able to edit a Ryzom Core persistent world.
RE: Edit the world
Added by patodeborracha about 5 years ago
Little Tuto about Move the NPC in Scene
World Editor Tutos (WIKI)