World Editor Shard Monitor Plugin

Added by Phormagos about 5 years ago

Has anybody gotten this thing to actually work?

I'll describe what I've managed to accomplish so far, on Windows Vista 64...
I've assigned R: to the top of my clone.

First, I enabled the plugin in R:\code\ryzom\tools\leveldesign\install\world_editor_plugin.cfg,
and set the shard host:

PluginsLibrary = {
    "world_editor_shard_monitor_plugin",  <===

MOSHost = "";  <===

When I first fired up WE and hit Connect on the shard monitor window, I got
a connection error to port 48888. Chased that down and discovered that
monitor_service was not being started with the shard. I set up a very
basic cfg for it, based on trying to start it by hand and watching the
errors that came back. Ended up with this in R:\code\ryzom\server\monitor_service.cfg:

// Use with commandline: monitor_service --writepid

NSHost = "";

Paths = {

I then added the following to the bottom of shard_start.bat:

rem wait 2s (yes, i didn't find a better way to wait N seconds)
ping -n 2 > NUL 2>&1

rem  monitor
start %MODE%\monitor_service --writepid

along with the following to the bottom of shard_stop.bat:

rem  monitor
taskkill /F /IM monitor_service.exe

Now the monitor_service starts and stops with the shard.

However, when I start WE and connect right away with the plugin, I get tons of "unknown.unknown" entries under the shard_monitor entry. If I load newbieland.worldedit, they all start disappearing. I never see any real entries for the things that should be in the shard.

I've managed to track the unknown.unknown back into the monitor_service itself and the data it seems to be getting from it's "mirrors" (still trying to unravel what all that means).

Replies (8)

RE: World Editor Shard Monitor Plugin - Added by vl about 5 years ago

I think it's because your cfg doesn't have the Path to the data_leveldesign so it displays unknown sheets.

The order to run it is:

- launch WE
- load newbieland landscape
- click "connect" on the shard displayer
- in the tree on the right, you have to collapse the "shard monitor" tree because MFC is very slow to fill this tree when there's lot of entires
- in the shard displayer window, increase the bandwith by putting the slidebar to 32.0kB/s instead of 0.5kB/s for faster update

You should see something like this:

and you should see the orange point moving regularly (it's the monster).

RE: World Editor Shard Monitor Plugin - Added by Phormagos about 5 years ago

Thanks vl! But, hmmmm, which cfg? I have ../common/data_leveldesign in the monitor_service.cfg file.

Can you perhaps show what you have in your config files for monitor_service and WE?


RE: World Editor Shard Monitor Plugin - Added by vl about 5 years ago

Yes, i'll commit tomorrow my version of the cfg.

RE: World Editor Shard Monitor Plugin - Added by TomH about 5 years ago

Can't you just show the cfg in here?

It is 3:26pm here, waiting for tomorrow will be a long time. :P

RE: World Editor Shard Monitor Plugin - Added by vl about 5 years ago

If you want to test, you can connect the world editor plugin to "".

RE: World Editor Shard Monitor Plugin - Added by Phormagos about 5 years ago

Thanks vl! Works like a champ now, using my local shard. I can see the yubbies. ;-)
