No rule to make target

Added by ashly about 5 years ago

Ok I've almost got ryzom server built in CentOS 5..
The only issue I get now is when building mirror_service (I haven't been able to get past that)

I get this error:

make1: Entering directory `/home/elantia/code/ryzom/server/src/mirror_service'

Dependencies found [OK]

make1: * No rule to make target `/common/src/game_share/libgame_share.a', needed by `mirror_service'.
make1: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
make1: Leaving directory `/home/elantia/code/ryzom/server/src/mirror_service'
make: *
[mirror_service-all] Error 2

if anyone knows how to fix it, that would be very helpful