
Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

I have a problem, when I try to compiler the source I get an Error (LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\..\..\..\nel\lib\nlmisc_d.lib'
Build log was saved at "file://C:\ryzom\code\ryzom\server\obj\Debug\pd_reference_builder\BuildLog.htm")

I have tried everything to finish the compilering but I allways get this Error.
I would be glad if you could help me with this promblem.
gretz LordBen@

Replies (31)

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

You may have forgot to add the path to NeL libs in Visual C++ lib settings.

C:\ryzom\code\nel\lib in your case.

Or NeL is not properly built.

Look in C:\ryzom\code\nel\lib if you have nlmisc_d.lib.

I'm seeing you're building the server in Debug mode.
NeL must be built in Debug mode too in that case.
Or both in Release mode.

You can check the following wikis :

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by Krolock almost 5 years ago

Which solution file have you attemted to build?
If you use Server.sln, this automatically builds all NeL libs also containing nlmisc_d.lib.

If you used this file, my suggestion is to check if there is a nlmisc_d.lib in the right folder. Perhaps you mixed a debug (outputfile: nlmisc_d.lib) and a release built (output: nlmisc_r.lib).

Sounds to me, that Nel wasn't build correctly.

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

no i get the error in debug and in the release mode.
In the folder \nel\lib isn't a nlmisc_d.lib.

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

Rebuild everything in Release mode using code/ryzom/server/server.sln solution.
nlmisc_d.lib does not exist because you'd never built NeL in Debug mode.

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

yes I know but i need nlmisc_d.lib to compiler the server in release mod

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by molator almost 5 years ago


nlmisc_d.lib is a NeL Debug lib.

You need nlmisc_r.lib, Nel Release lib to build the server in Release mode, you can't mix both.

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

yes but how i can get nlmisc_r.lib?? It isen't in my lib folder

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

Rebuild everything in Release mode using code/ryzom/server/server.sln solution.

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

yes i have do this three or more times but it doesen't help

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by kervala almost 5 years ago

You should have an error before that. Please post the complete build log else we won't be able to help you.

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

ok here is my log.
I hope that you can help me...

BuildLog.htm (14.4 kB) Magnifier

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

Did you clean the solution before rebuilding ?

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by kervala almost 5 years ago

Sorry, but when I were asking for build log, I were talking about "misc" project build log, because it seems like it didn't compile.

I checked again and pd_reference_builder is compiling fine in all configurations.

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

would you help me over teamviewer if you know it??? Because I couldn't find the right build log

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by kervala almost 5 years ago

File is : code\nel\obj\Debug\misc\Buildlog.htm

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

Ok here is the misc log

BuildLog.htm (6.9 kB) Magnifier

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

You didn't install DirectX SDK, i think.
Or the path to DirectX SDK is not in Visual C++ settings.

You should have something like that in Visual C++ include settings :
C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (February 2010)\Include
and in Visual C++ lib settings :
C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (February 2010)\Lib\x86

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

Sure i have install it

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

ok i have put this paths into my config

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

You may have to change the path to follow yours.

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

yes i know :) i have do it

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

ok the compilering is without errors but i get a much of warnings

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago

stlport_statix.lib(c_locale.o) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'stlport_statix.pdb' was not found with 'r:\external\lib\stlport_statix.lib' or at 'C:\ryzom\code\ryzom\server\Release\stlport_statix.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

There's a bunch of warnings, but that's not a problem :).

RE: nlmisc_r.lib - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

No problem, just a warning.

stlport debug info is not available.

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