Ryzom Tools build error - alias_synchronizer tool project

Added by teze almost 5 years ago

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: alias_synchronizer, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'alias_synchronizer', configuration 'Debug|Win32'
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'stlportd_static.lib'

enternal/lib folder has stlportd_statix.lib. but stlported_static.lib is not exist.
Maybe I think that the problem caused by STLport's auto-link system.
Anyone who know about this problem?

Replies (6)

RE: Ryzom Tools build error - alias_synchronizer tool project - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

It can occur when you're mixing stl and stlport.

RE: Ryzom Tools build error - alias_synchronizer tool project - Added by kervala almost 5 years ago

Did you change project properties ?

stlportd_statix.lib is linked when you are using C++ DLL runtime and stlportd_static.lib with C++ static runtime.

All projects are using the DLL runtime.

RE: Ryzom Tools build error - alias_synchronizer tool project - Added by teze almost 5 years ago

Build Platform : win7 x64, with vc2008 sp1
Build Target : win32 Debug

Do not change project properties..
The same version of TortoiseHg's depot.

RE: Ryzom Tools build error - alias_synchronizer tool project - Added by teze almost 5 years ago

same problem occured :

RE: Ryzom Tools build error - alias_synchronizer tool project - Added by xingbarking over 4 years ago

the same to you,How to solve this problem,waiting answer!

RE: Ryzom Tools build error - alias_synchronizer tool project - Added by kervala over 4 years ago

You should use : http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/ryzom/BuildForWindowsCmake

Previous tutorial is marked as obsolete and VC++ projects are not maintained anymore.

Btw CMake is able to generate VC++ 2010 correct projects.
