icons and wndows missing after compiling thru Revision 860
Added by ddougher almost 5 years ago
Not sure this is a "legal" way to test so I'm not filing this as a bug until I find out.
I compiled and built the files with Visual Studio 2008 with the service pack added. I built exclusively using the supplied solutions - I did not use CMake at all.
I'm running Windows 7 32-bit with DirectX June 2010. I compiled using the expanded Wiki instructions and got everything to compile except one of the tools programs. I grabbed the .dll files, and the client release .exe I made and I overwrote the current client open build and attempted to connect to the public server. I had already created an account and a character so I know that the public build was working correctly.
After the substitution, I was able to log in, run my character around, get quests, and even fight some of the creatures. However several of the pop up windows and several icons were missing from the screen (compared to the previous run through). A typical example - there are no icons on the cast bar. If you pass the cursor over a casting icon the small window which gives you info about the action fails to appear.
Finally, I noticed that in several places menu text is being cut off so that only half of it shows on the screen.
If I return the original .dll files and exe to the same sub-directory and reconnect everything is still there.
Also I see no way to change the video or audio drivers from the client. Where are the menu entries to do that located?
Anybody able to confirm these issues or tell me what I missed?
Replies (4)
RE: icons and wndows missing after compiling thru Revision 860
Added by kaetemi almost 5 years ago
Please provide a screenshot and log files.
RE: icons and wndows missing after compiling thru Revision 860
Added by ddougher almost 5 years ago
Here are two screenshots. One is using the regular client, the other the compiled one I just created. You can see the missing icons and the cut off text. I am also including an abbreviated version of the client log just covering the last run. The full log exceeds the maximum upload size for this tool. However it should be sufficient since it is a complete log of the last run of the software where the textures failed to appear.
RE: icons and wndows missing after compiling thru Revision 860
Added by kaetemi almost 5 years ago
You're working with original open client data or rebuilt gamedata?
For rebuilt gamedata, this needs to be added to client cfg for now:TexturesInterface = "texture_interfaces_v3";
TexturesInterfaceDXTC = "texture_interfaces_dxtc";
RE: icons and wndows missing after compiling thru Revision 860
Added by ddougher almost 5 years ago
Actually I did not rebuild the data. I simply took the downloaded ryzom_client_open, replaced the four .dll files in the root directory with mine (nel_drv_direct3d_win_r, nel_drv_dsound_win_r, nel_drv_fmod_win_r and nel_drv_opengl_win_r.dll) and replaced client_ryzom_r.exe with my own. Nothing else was changed. I then attempted to connect to the public Ryzom Core server. The test was to see if the game works with DirectX June and I got the results you see above. I did not attempt to change the gamedata at all.
That said, the addition of the two lines to my config file did correct the problem. So, it now matches the previous picture. Great job!