Can't export from Max.
Added by ShamanRU almost 5 years ago
I have create a new zones in 3ds Max. And i added it in game, but I can't go across border between zones. Can anybody say how exporting zones from Max files and which properties i must set? I use "Nel export" with buttons "Export model", "Export Instance group", "Export collision".
Replies (3)
RE: Can't export from Max.
Added by sfb almost 5 years ago
You will need to use the build_gamedata pipeline to generate useful zones. In the pipeline there are processes to build the zone data, weld the zones together (which is probably your problem) as well as bake shadows for static instance groups you have placed on the zone. Please use the Python-based build_gamedata.
Thank you!
RE: Can't export from Max.
Added by kaetemi almost 5 years ago
Please download the latest max plugins.