Client is trying to patch...
Added by sm3 over 4 years ago
I'm not sure if I have something misconfigured on my local server, but when I try and login with the client it tries to patch. I attempted to look for the settings in the .cfg files but not having much luck.
Anyone know where to disable this?
Replies (10)
RE: Client is trying to patch...
Added by sm3 over 4 years ago
I'm getting this in all of my server windows:
module_gateway_transport.cpp 539 NLNET::CGatewayL3ClientTransport::update : Server ( still not available for connection
I'm not really sure if it is related to my issue with the client trying to patch.
Trying to learn an MMO framework with no documentation is rough ;)
RE: Client is trying to patch...
Added by molator over 4 years ago
Check your apache and mysql settings.
Here my own settings: (Apache) (MySQL)
There's a lack of docs, that why many volunteers are trying to figure things out and to write down wikis :).
RE: Client is trying to patch...
Added by sm3 over 4 years ago
I'll take a look! Not really meant to complain, I appreciate what we have. As soon as I learn more I will help with what I can. The bad news is in the mean time I have to ask these simple questions until I can figure things out a little better ;)
RE: Client is trying to patch...
Added by sfb over 4 years ago
Unfortunately if you have your client compiled with FINAL_VERSION turned on you cannot toggle whether or not the client tries to patch. When using FINAL_VERSION (a #define) this is hard coded in C++. What you can do as a temporary work-around is edit code/ryzom/client/src/client_cfg.cpp and go to line 417. Change PatchWanted to false where it says "only force patching under Windows by default." This means you only have to recompile the one file and relink the client instead of havign to recompile the entire system (which would happen if you toggled FINAL_VERSION.) You can see why it does this at like 1030 in the same file: READ_BOOL_DEV(PatchWanted) and READ_STRING_DEV(PatchUrl) - in otherwords only allow the PatchWanted and PatchUrl variables to be changed by the config file if the client is built in dev mode (not FINAL_VERSION.)
So, short version, toggle FINAL_VERSION off and recompile the entire system (server, client, etc) or toggle the default value for PatchWanted as a workaround and recompile and relink one file in the client.
RE: Client is trying to patch...
Added by sm3 over 4 years ago
OK. I understand. Not too difficult.
I checked my settings for apache and mysql and everything seems to be correct. How about port 46702? That is a line I keep seeing in each of the server processes. Says it can't connect.
I may just try the Linux compile on a separate machine. I was thinking that the Windows build was going to be easier to figure out. I'll just build the client on Windows and run the server on Linux. Probably what most are doing anyway.
RE: Client is trying to patch...
Added by sm3 over 4 years ago
I found out port 46702 is AES. I think my problem has to do with my start_shard.bat settings. I still don't understand what AS and AES is and how to start them or if they should be started together.
I also found the patch settings in the client source so that is fixed for me!
RE: Client is trying to patch...
Added by sfb over 4 years ago
AS is admin service and is the hub for administrating the shards you run. The web admin interface communicates with AS. AES is admin executor service. There's 1 AS for your game, no matter how many shards you run. There's 1 AES per physical server involved. The AES relays back system information and facilitates sending commands for starting/stopping services. For example in the web app you may have the BS entry twice, lets say BS_1 and BS_2 and they're both on different physical servers. If you wanted to move it you would issue the stop command via AS for BS_1 (which would then talk to the AES on BS_1's server to shut down the BS instance) and then a start command for BS_2 (which would then talk to the AES on BS_2's physical server.)
What may be confusing is that in Ryzom the AS and AES are the same executable (ryzom_admin_service.exe) but through the command line it tells it which module of functionality to use:
rem This is the AES (admin_executor_service) on your local machine. start %MODE%\ryzom_admin_service.exe --fulladminname=admin_executor_service --shortadminname=AES rem This is the AS (admin_service) start %MODE%\ryzom_admin_service --fulladminname=admin_service --shortadminname=AS --writepid
You do indeed need both of these as the admin_service does essentially nothing without an AES to relay commands through. Using an AES the AS can also do things such as retrieval of internal variables from the various services. For example there's a graph named like NbPlayers which is a graph that the AS creates by collecting the NbPlayers variable from a service managed by AES.
Does that help? Run them both but with the correct command line (as shown above.) It's best to start the AES before all of your other services on a machine as all of the services almost immediately want to speak to their local AES (unless the DontUseAES config variable is specified.)
Good luck!
RE: Client is trying to patch...
Added by Krolock over 4 years ago
Check if ryzom_admin_service.exe is running in the Taskmanager. If not, it could be an issue with start_shard.bat, an missing executable or wrong pathes.
If its running, mysql or cfg settings perhaps are wrong.
RE: Client is trying to patch...
Added by sm3 over 4 years ago
Right, only AS is running.
I believe maybe I'm missing a CFG file or it's named the wrong thing.
At least I know I'm in the rright direction now. You folks are a great help!
Thank you, I appreciate it.
RE: Client is trying to patch...
Added by sm3 over 4 years ago
Only AS was running, I guess I was a bit over zealous in renaming things in my shard_start.bat.
I took out the *.exe part for my ryzom_admin_service and that's why AES isn't running. So now I have:
start ryzom_admin_service.exe --fulladminname=admin_executor_service --shortadminname=AES --writepid
as well as:
start ryzom_admin_service --fulladminname=admin_service --shortadminname=AS --writepid
So know I have 2 instances of ryzom_admin_service running: AES and AS
Thanks again.