3003 error - maintenance

Added by Darkhunter over 4 years ago

Hello guys, I have problem with connecting client to host server.If I connect it writes me 3003 error maintenance
There is log file: http://paste2.org/p/1089467
There is config file: http://paste2.org/p/1089468
By the logs it seems that error is in client not in server....
help me please

Replies (21)

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by sm3 over 4 years ago


Judging from this error "server error: The log-in server is in maintenance, please try later (3003)" I'd say maybe it's a problem with your MySQL setup. Maybe your shard doesn't have permission to access the database.

Check http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/ryzom/ClientConnectErrors


RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by Darkhunter over 4 years ago

no....if I look into r2_login.log I have there some PHP errors:

2010-11-14 16:27:14 ( PHP ERROR/8192 Function split() is deprecated (/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/server/www/login/r2_login.php:237)
2010-11-14 16:27:15 ( PHP ERROR/2 fsockopen() [<a href='function.fsockopen'>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to tranquillien.sytes.net:49998 (Connection refused) (/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/server/www/tools/nel_message.php:140)
2010-11-14 16:27:15 ( PHP ERROR/2048 Only variables should be passed by reference (/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/server/www/tools/nel_message.php:89)
2010-11-14 16:27:15 ( [No response from Shard Unifier]
2010-11-14 16:27:15 ( 0:The log-in server is in maintenance, please try later (3003)\n

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by sm3 over 4 years ago

tranquillien.sytes.net:49998 (Connection refused)

Are you sure all the required services are running? Also the listener set correctly?


RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by Darkhunter over 4 years ago

yes on webtool are all services working ..and listener.. must be it´s in privacy network, then no portforwarding needed

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by Darkhunter over 4 years ago

no...webtool worked but I wanted to try if I will delete DB and load new it might work.. but I did fuck up webtool... now doesn´t work..
Can't connect to the callback server 'tranquillien.sytes.net:46700' (111: Connection refused)

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by sm3 over 4 years ago

My guess is still MySQL permissions. Is the DB running on the same host as the shard services? Check the shard@host privileges in MySQL.


RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by sm3 over 4 years ago

Oh and this:

  • Check if you set up tables correctly (check if login_address in domain table contains your server address)

mysql -ushard nel
SELECT * FROM domain;

Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't help further. I would suggest joining the IRC channel and maybe someone more knowledgeable has a suggestion.


RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by Darkhunter over 4 years ago

shard has all permissions which can... .and login_address is fine .. okay but on IRC nobody helps me :(

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by sm3 over 4 years ago

The issue you are experiencing is just one of misconfiguration. I ran into this myself. The solution to my problem was to go through each .cfg and check IP's and redo the database making sure it was properly setup.


RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by Darkhunter over 4 years ago

yes I controlled every config too.. two times... but now... I´m giving it up.. 4 days I wanted to solve this problem :(

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by Darkhunter over 4 years ago

but I can give you teamviewer and u can see where is the error... If somebody other will see the configs then he can found error faster than me controlling it for five times..

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago

Hi, Darkhunter,

i can't help you NOW, as i haven't set up the server yet.
But if you keep patient, i can contact you once i'm done.
That may take about a week or two (no more, though).
Can you just tell me the platform on which client and server are installed?
I'd then - if possible - select the same platform, so we can both profit...

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by Darkhunter over 4 years ago

I have server on ubuntu 10.10 x64 and client or windows 7 profesional x64 :)

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago


At the moment i have Debian (latest) amd64, vista 7 ultimate 64bit and xp pro 32bit.
I'll install on ubuntu, and then, later, will contact you.
If you solve your problem meanwhile, say it in this thread.

Good night! :)

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by Darkhunter over 4 years ago

I solved it, anyway thanks :)

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by sm3 over 4 years ago

So what was the fix?


RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by molator over 4 years ago

Not to add a password to the shard user without changing all related config files :).

As the shard user is define only for localhost, if you're the only user on your server, no security issue if you don't use a password.

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by sm3 over 4 years ago

OK. Was just curious since none of my suggestions worked! :)


RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by sm3 over 4 years ago

I updated the Wiki section for the MySQL setup to note this.


RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by kervala over 4 years ago

sm3> I don't know how to contact you because you're not on #ryzom IRC channel so sorry for this HS.

- 64 bits compilation is working with Express version (I'm using it), you just need to install last Windows SDK to get 64 bits compilers.
- TortoiseHg is not only for Windows, it exists too for Linux and Mac OS
- hg command doesn't exist only under Linux, it exists too under Mac OS and Linux

RE: 3003 error - maintenance - Added by molator over 4 years ago

No need, it's not an issue related to mysql but to Darkhunter :).
