Warnings when running services - what do they mean, and can i ignore them, or do i have to fix this (solved)
Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago
while my services on the server seem to run moderately stable, they still show a lot of warnings in the service-windows.
Can anyone tell me what they mean, so that i can ignore them more easily, or, just in case, fix it?
I also displayed the INF messages in the line before and thereafter, in case it helps...
LGS: (this only once at at startup)
INF ebc command.cpp 145 NLMISC::CCommandRegistry::registerNamedCommandHandler: CCommandRegistry : adding commands handler for class 'CUnifiedNetwork'
INF ebc unified_network.cpp 607 NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::init: HNETL5: ServerPort is 0 so I don't create a CCallbackServer
INF ebc path.cpp 956 NLMISC::CFileContainer::addSearchPath: PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(., 1, 0): adding the path './'
WRN ebc path.cpp 1441 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap: PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(mission_queues.txt, ./save_shard/mission_queues.txt, 0, txt): already inserted from './data_shard/', skip it
[... many more similar ...]
WRN ebc path.cpp 1441 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap: PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(Makefile, ./src/tick_service/Makefile, 0, ): already inserted from './', skip it
INF ebc path.cpp 956 NLMISC::CFileContainer::addSearchPath: PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(../common/data_leveldesign, 1, 0): adding the path '../common/data_leveldesign/'
WRN ebc path.cpp 1441 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap: PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(doxygen.css, ../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/npc/action_type/doxygen.css, 0, css): already inserted from './src/ai_service/doc/doxycfg/', skip it
WRN ebc path.cpp 1441 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap: PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(set_flags_on_dyn_zones.html, ../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/npc/event_type/set_flags_on_dyn_zones.html, 0, html): already inserted from '../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/npc
WRN ebc path.cpp 1441 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap: PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(activity_spawn.zone, ../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/npc_zone_properties/activity_spawn.zone, 0, zone): already inserted from '../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/fauna_zone_pro
INF ebc unified_network.cpp 779 NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::addService: HNETL5: addService BS-256 ' ('
INF ebc _backup_service_interface_non_module.cpp 153 cbBSConnection: Backup service connects: (name BS, Id 256)
FS/SU/SBS/MFS/TICKS/GPMS: (only once at startup)
[... (nearly) same as LGS ...]
AIS: (only once at startup)
[... some nearly same as LGS ...]
... plus:
WRN d48 file.cpp 265 NLMISC::CIFile::open: Failed to open file 'botobjects_newbieland.primitive', error 2 : No such file or directory
INF d48 primitive_parser.cpp 3909 AI_SHARE::parsePrimFile: Opening in botobjects_newbieland.primitive
INF d48 primitive_parser.cpp 3913 AI_SHARE::parsePrimFile: Load&parse primitive file 'botobjects_newbieland.primitive' (in '../common/data_leveldesign/primitives/newbieland/botobjects_newbieland.primitive')
INF d48 ais_actions_global.cpp 158 CActionHandler_BaseContextMgr_IDTREE::operator (): ACTION IDTREE: Applying new tree to manager3: 'camp_starting_city'(A:762:371)
INF d48: Executing command : 'loadPrimitiveFile fauna_newbieland.primitive'
WRN d48 file.cpp 265 NLMISC::CIFile::open: Failed to open file 'fauna_newbieland.primitive', error 2 : No such file or directory
WS: (only once at startup)
[... some nearly same as LGS ...]
... plus:
INF ca0 unified_network.cpp 779 NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::addService: HNETL5: addService ShardUnifier-256 ' ('
WRN ca0 unified_network.cpp 871 NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::addService: HNETL5: can't connect to ShardUnifier (sid 256) now (Socket error: Connection to ( failed (10061: Connection refused, the server may be offline)) ' ('
INF ca0 service.cpp 1276 NLNET::IService::main: SERVICE: Service ready
INF ca0 naming_client.cpp 137 NLNET::cbRegisterBroadcast: NC: Registration Broadcast of the service TICKS-130 ':51002 ('
INF ca0 unified_network.cpp 165 NLNET::uncbConnection: HNETL5: + connec 'SRV 01807DD8 (socket 1724)'
INF ca0 unified_network.cpp 264 NLNET::uncbServiceIdentification: HNETL5: + connect ident 'SRV 01807DD8 (socket 1724)' TICKS-130 pos 0 ext 0
INF ca0 naming_client.cpp 137 NLNET::cbRegisterBroadcast: NC: Registration Broadcast of the service MS-131 ':51003 ('
INF ca0 naming_client.cpp 137 NLNET::cbRegisterBroadcast: NC: Registration Broadcast of the service GPMS-132 ':51004 ('
INF ca0 naming_client.cpp 137 NLNET::cbRegisterBroadcast: NC: Registration Broadcast of the service EGS-133 ':51005 ('
INF ca0 naming_client.cpp 137 NLNET::cbRegisterBroadcast: NC: Registration Broadcast of the service AIS-134 ':51006 ('
INF ca0 unified_network.cpp 165 NLNET::uncbConnection: HNETL5: + connec 'SRV 01802BB0 (socket 1700)'
INF ca0 unified_network.cpp 264 NLNET::uncbServiceIdentification: HNETL5: + connect ident 'SRV 01802BB0 (socket 1700)' MS-131 pos 0 ext 0
WRN ca0 unified_network.cpp 357 NLNET::uncbMsgProcessing: HNETL5: Can't find callback 'MIRO' called by service 131
INF ca0 unified_network.cpp 165 NLNET::uncbConnection: HNETL5: + connec 'SRV 018085C0 (socket 1684)'
AS: (continuously, with high frequency, many similar, but not identical messages)
WRN f24 common.cpp 648 NLMISC::launchProgram: LAUNCH: Failed launched 'rrdtool' with arg 'create save_shard/rrd_graphs/egs.MirrorCallbackTime.rrd --step 60 DS:var:GAUGE:120:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:100:1000' err 2: 'Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht
WRN f24 common.cpp 648 NLMISC::launchProgram: LAUNCH: Failed launched 'rrdtool' with arg 'update save_shard/rrd_graphs/egs.MirrorCallbackTime.rrd 1292612995:0.000000' err 2: 'Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. '
WRN f24 common.cpp 648 NLMISC::launchProgram: LAUNCH: Failed launched 'rrdtool' with arg 'create save_shard/rrd_graphs/lgs.ProcessUsedMemory.rrd --step 60 DS:var:GAUGE:120:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:100:1000' err 2: 'Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht
WRN f24 common.cpp 648 NLMISC::launchProgram: LAUNCH: Failed launched 'rrdtool' with arg 'update save_shard/rrd_graphs/lgs.ProcessUsedMemory.rrd 1292612996:15.000000' err 2: 'Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. '
WRN f24 common.cpp 648 NLMISC::launchProgram: LAUNCH: Failed launched 'rrdtool' with arg 'create save_shard/rrd_graphs/fes.ProcessUsedMemory.rrd --step 60 DS:var:GAUGE:120:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10
NS: (only once at startup)
INF c80 path.cpp 934 NLMISC::CFileContainer::addSearchPath: PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(data_www, recursive, not alternative): 'data_www' is not a directory, I'll call addSearchFile()
WRN c80 path.cpp 1075 NLMISC::CFileContainer::addSearchFile: PATH: CPath::addSearchFile(data_www, 0, ''): 'data_www' is not found, skip it (current dir is 'R:/Projects/Ryzom/code/ryzom/server'
INF c80 ryzom_naming_service.cpp 963 CNamingService::init: Changing the MinBasePort number from 51000 to 51000
EGS: (only once at startup)
INF c28 entities_game_service.cpp 1926 CPlayerService::onAiInstanceReady: AI Instance 20 is up
INF c28 entities_game_service.cpp 1958 cbMirrorUp: Tick 264105 - Connection of the service (name GPMS, Id 132)
WRN c28 egs_sheets.cpp 389 CSheets::getSRolemasterPhrase: <CSheets::getSRolemasterPhrase> The static form for sheet abctaca01.sphrase (1334051) is unknown
INF c28 egs_log_filter.h 31 egs_plinfo: LOADED User '1' Character 'Ragnar(Open)' from BS stream file 'characters/001/account_1_0_pdr.bin'
INF c28 player_manager.cpp 1231 CPlayerManager::setActiveCharForPlayer: set active char 0 for player 1
INF c28 egs_log_filter.h 25 egs_ecinfo: Mapping UID 1 => Sid (0x0000000010:00:00:87)
WRN c28 fame_manager.cpp 1050 CFameManager::getFameIndexed: FAME: entity (0x0000000010:00:00:87) doesn't exist in fame owners containers!
WRN c28 fame_manager.cpp 1050 CFameManager::getFameIndexed: FAME: entity (0x0000000010:00:00:87) doesn't exist in fame owners containers!
WRN c28 fame_manager.cpp 1050 CFameManager::getFameIndexed: FAME: entity (0x0000000010:00:00:87) doesn't exist in fame owners containers!
WRN c28 fame_manager.cpp 1050 CFameManager::getFameIndexed: FAME: entity (0x0000000010:00:00:87) doesn't exist in fame owners containers!
WRN c28 fame_manager.cpp 1050 CFameManager::getFameIndexed: FAME: entity (0x0000000010:00:00:87) doesn't exist in fame owners containers!
WRN c28 fame_manager.cpp 1050 CFameManager::getFameIndexed: FAME: entity (0x0000000010:00:00:87) doesn't exist in fame owners containers!
WRN c28 fame_manager.cpp 1050 CFameManager::getFameIndexed: FAME: entity (0x0000000010:00:00:87) doesn't exist in fame owners containers!
WRN c28 utils.h 796 checkedCast: checkedCast : Value 600.000000 exceed the positive capacity of signed char clamping at max value
[... many times ...]
WRN c28 utils.h 796 checkedCast: checkedCast : Value 600.000000 exceed the positive capacity of signed char clamping at max value
INF c28 egs_log_filter.h 25 egs_ecinfo: Client ready (entity (0x0000000010:00:00:87) (Row 90501) added to mirror)
WRN c28 utils.h 796 checkedCast: checkedCast : Value 600.000000 exceed the positive capacity of signed char clamping at max value
[... again many times ...]
WRN c28 utils.h 796 checkedCast: checkedCast : Value 600.000000 exceed the positive capacity of signed char clamping at max value
INF c28 entity_callbacks.cpp 660 finalizeClientReady: Updating IS_NEWBIE flag for character: (0x0000000010:00:00:87)
... when trying to emote:
WRN c28 character.cpp 15567 CCharacter::sendEmote: <EMOTES> client (0x0000000010:00:00:87) sent invalid emote 110
WRN c28 character.cpp 15567 CCharacter::sendEmote: <EMOTES> client (0x0000000010:00:00:87) sent invalid emote 66
WRN c28 character.cpp 15567 CCharacter::sendEmote: <EMOTES> client (0x0000000010:00:00:87) sent invalid emote 245
WRN c28 character.cpp 15567 CCharacter::sendEmote: <EMOTES> client (0x0000000010:00:00:87) sent invalid emote 19
WRN c28 character.cpp 15567 CCharacter::sendEmote: <EMOTES> client (0x0000000010:00:00:87) sent invalid emote 245
WRN c28 character.cpp 15567 CCharacter::sendEmote: <EMOTES> client (0x0000000010:00:00:87) sent invalid emote 19
Thank you!
Ragnar G.D.
Replies (2)
RE: Warnings when running services - what do they mean, and can i ignore them, or do i have to fix this
Added by molator over 4 years ago
Some of the data are missing as only the code and the assets are open,
you will have a bunch of warning for missing stuffs.
On startup, the server is parsing some files to rebuild some data packs,
you will get some warning when parsing useless folders
or when parsing already none data.
You will get rrd_graphs warnings,
if you didn't install a rrd_graphs tool.
Should explain most of your warnings.
RE: Warnings when running services - what do they mean, and can i ignore them, or do i have to fix this
Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago
Regarding missing, obsolete or non-free folders i'll scan the code, and think about how to eliminating the unnecessary warnings.
Regarding rrd_graphs, i found it in the forums.
Seems the instructions for windows don't include this part.
I'll install, and then add some basic instructions to the wiki.
Otherwise it's no big deal, as production servers are better of running on linux anyway... it's just that sometimes i only have my laptop to develop, which doesn't run linux... :)
Thank you, molator, as always a pleasure! :-)