who help me!client.sln not buding!!

Added by xingbarking over 4 years ago

3>init.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class stlpx_std::basic_string<char,class stlpx_std::char_traits<char>,class stlpx_std::allocator<char> > __cdecl getAppBundlePath(void)" (?getAppBundlePath@YA?AV?$basic_string@DV?$char_traits@D@stlpx_std@V?$allocator@D@2@stlpx_std@XZ),referenced in function "class stlpx_std::basic_string<char,class stlpx_std::char_traits<char>,class stlpx_std::allocator<char> > __cdecl replaceApplicationDirToken(class stlpx_std::basic_string<char,class stlpx_std::char_traits<char>,class stlpx_std::allocator<char> > const &)" (?replaceApplicationDirToken@YA?AV?$basic_string@DV?$char_traits@D@stlpx_std@V?$allocator@D@2@stlpx_std@ABV12@@Z)
3>..\..\bin\client_ryzom_d.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

help,help!!In order to successfully compile VS2010 I have 72-hour time-consuming
vs2010 to use up too tired, if not I'll replace the VS2008

Replies (3)

RE: who help me!client.sln not buding!! - Added by kervala over 4 years ago

1. Update your sources
2. Oh ! There is no client.sln file anymore
3. Use CMake to generate RyzomCore.sln
4. Compile all with VS2010

RE: who help me!client.sln not buding!! - Added by molator over 4 years ago

You're missing the stlport dependencies (or not):
http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/ryzom/BuildForWindowsCmake Installing external

RE: who help me!client.sln not buding!! - Added by xingbarking over 4 years ago

vs2010 in the include path and library path settings it is in trouble, in exchange for a vs2008
