Colour continuation from old thread
Added by nimbus3 over 4 years ago
Continued from [[]]
Question 3 B answer.
All armors comes with 8 colors.
You can specify the color in the sitem using for example:
<ATOM Name="color" Value="White"/>
You will find the color list here:
The refugee armor is a special case.
You found a set of sitem, one per color per armor part.
It's the depracated way for the colors.
You should use the previous method
I thought I had this figured with the above answer, but alas I have either confused myself of missunderstood the answer given.
What i understand:
Each armour can have eight color variations.
The colors are added by using <ATOM Name="color" Value="White"/>
The old method is to create a seperate sitem file for each color.
Where to find color definitions
The bit I am have problems with is the new method of adding color variations to items.
Does one create an array of <ATOM Name="color" Value="COLOR"/> tags, obviously replacing COLOR with the color you wish, in each file or some other way.
[EDIT] Or optional tags with color variations.
Then how to define what mats you need in the corresponding sbrick for each color.
Sorry but as you can see I am still confused. Beyond this all the armours are done including upgrades/ level variations.
So just to give you an example.
I wish to have fyros heavy boots available in all eigth colors, sitem is icfahb.sitem and sbrick is bcfaea01.sbrick. How do I add all eight colors without having to create seperate icfahb sitem files and bcfaea01 sbrick files for each color?
Replies (5)
RE: Colour continuation from old thread
Added by kervala over 4 years ago
The new way as you mentioned is to use <ATOM Name="color" Value="UserColor"/> so it will use colors from raw mats :)
RE: Colour continuation from old thread
Added by nimbus3 over 4 years ago
Hi kervala
In the line <ATOM Name="color" Value="UserColor"/> is the term "3D" missing? I only say this because in my email notification it has this before each starting quote mark and it is not displayed on the forum post.
In my notification it is displayed as <ATOM Name=3D"color" Value=3D"UserColor"/>
RE: Colour continuation from old thread
Added by kervala over 4 years ago
No, there should be no "3D" :)
RE: Colour continuation from old thread
Added by molator over 4 years ago
If you use "UserColor", the armor will take the color of the raw materials used to craft the armor.
To craft an armor, you need a craft plan (the sbrick file of the armor part) and a set of raw materials.
In the craft plan, you've got something like that:
<STRUCT Name="Create"> <ATOM Name="Crafted Item" Value="icfahb.sitem"/> <ATOM Name="Nb built items" Value="1"/> <ATOM Name="MP 1" Value="Raw Material for Clothes"/> <ATOM Name="Quantity 1" Value="2"/> <ATOM Name="MP 2" Value="Raw Material for Armor interior coating"/> <ATOM Name="Quantity 2" Value="2"/> <ATOM Name="MP 3" Value="Raw Material for Armor interior stuffing"/> <ATOM Name="Quantity 3" Value="1"/> <ATOM Name="MP 4" Value="Raw Material for Armor clip"/> <ATOM Name="Quantity 4" Value="1"/> <ATOM Name="MP 5"/> <ATOM Name="Quantity 5" Value="0"/> </STRUCT>
So you will need to define the raw materials, place it and extract it (the green bubbles in the game).
Each raw material has a color, the armor will take the majority color.
You've got an example to craft some boots.
If you don't already have the craft plan, use the following command ingame (with DEV rights):
/a learnAllBricks
RE: Colour continuation from old thread
Added by nimbus3 over 4 years ago
Thanks molator and kervala
I think it was the process behind how its works I was thinking too much about and confusing myself with.
Having played ryzom since beta I get the concept of ingame play, but how it works in coding is completely new to me. Although I am getting there slowly.
The part I couldn't get my head round really, I think, was if an item can have more than one color. How it gets the color and how to make am item with that color. I thought there must be an easier way to do this other than build new sitem for each item with each color.
Now between this and the old post I GET IT :)
Now for a lot more writting files :(
Thanks to you both
[EDIT] ermm am I being completely daft or have the colors basically been added already using this updated method in the armour _parents? or does this have to be added to each armour item as well?