Something strange admin panel

Added by player99 over 4 years ago

let it be my ip is
if I visit localhost, or in my browser I always get lot of those :
Strict Standards: Resource ID#13 used as offset, casting to integer (13) in D:\MMO\code\ryzom\tools\server\admin\functions_mysql.php on line 226

Strict Standards: Resource ID#13 used as offset, casting to integer (13) in D:\MMO\code\ryzom\tools\server\admin\functions_mysql.php on line 227

Strict Standards: Resource ID#14 used as offset, casting to integer (14) in D:\MMO\code\ryzom\tools\server\admin\functions_mysql.php on line 244

for ID#13-28...
all of the above happens with the server running....
Can please anyone help ? thanks :)

Replies (2)

RE: Something strange admin panel - Added by kirlack over 4 years ago


Those are only warnings due to bad practice, you can remove it by setting error_reporting to "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE". Edit ./code/ryzom/tools/server/admin/common.php, uncomment error_reporting and give it 0 as parameter to remove every warning and error :


RE: Something strange admin panel - Added by player99 over 4 years ago

thanks that worked, I have another problem which I have posted in another thread do you think you could help me with that ? :(
