where is?
Added by polosss almost 4 years ago
!!Hi, i polosss, and is the first time installing source code ryzom, i followed this guide http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/EverythingWindows#List-of-everything-you-will-need-to-download-38-install, so here all right, but in instruction, over "Now navigate to the directory we created at the beginning where all the source code is.Go into code\nel\ and double click on nel.sln" no find this file. My source code path, is "D:\ryzom\code\nel". Where is this file? view this image.
excuse me for my language, but don't write very good, is my first time typing in english...
source_code.jpg (69 kB)
Replies (2)
RE: where is?
Added by kervala almost 4 years ago
As you noticed at the top of wiki page :)
VS solution deprecated, use CMAKE instead. http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/BuildForWindowsCmake
So I suppose it should be deprecated and you should use http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/BuildForWindowsCmake page instead :)
RE: where is?
Added by polosss almost 4 years ago
thanks kervala for your fast reply, i will check this way intallation and post results.