how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
Ryzom core is hard for new learner.But I want to study it .Where can I get a simple project which can already run ? The project includes a server and a client ,for example ,the client can get "hello world"from the server. Is there such a thing?Or do I have to compile one all by myself?It is much more easier for new learner to study .
Replies (47)
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
thanks for this platform and all the helpers.
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by kervala almost 4 years ago
You have 2 projects (both client and server) which are provided in Ryzom Core source, Ryzom and Snowballs :) You should begin with Snowballs, it's easier to understand.
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
thank you .where can I download a simple example?
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by molator almost 4 years ago
- A stand alone windows server - An Ubuntu Virtual Machine
And for the client:
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by kervala almost 4 years ago
Snowballs is in Mercurial repository in this folder :
So if you downloaded Ryzom Core, it should be there :)
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
I will try this one.web page can't open right now .
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
thank you .I will try this one . page can't open right now.
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by molator almost 4 years ago
I'm updating the link:
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
thanks.I will try snowballs too.
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago can be used now.
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
how can I get snowballs.sln?I have built Ryzom Core with cmake but didn't get snowballs.sln.And how to use snowballs?I run on the xp windows.
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
is it because of Qt 4.7.0 Stlport Lib?I can't open page .
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
configure select and configure output information:
configure__select.bmp (2.7 MB)
(1.1 kB)
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by molator almost 4 years ago
There's no snowballs.sln.
As previously said, you've got only RyzomCore.sln
You just have to check Snowballs in cmake.
You will need Qt 4.7.0 Stlport Lib for the new tools only and if you're using WITH_STLPORT (that's the case by default).
The following link is working, the antivirus is just saying that it can't test the file (too big):
cmake log is fine.
Open RyzomCore.sln.
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
yes ,I downloaded Qt 4.7.0 Stlport from that ,how can I setup it ? page can't open now.
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by molator almost 4 years ago
You don't need ovqt to run a server/client.
You can uncheck the tools.
You've got ovqt here:
The link have changed, just have to look in the wiki list.
But the wiki you're looking for is deprecated.
You just need cmake for everything.
If you want to build your own ovqt.
Install the legacy qt 4.7.0 from here:
and then overwrite with qt 4.7.0 stlport:
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
yes,I have legacy qt 4.7.0 from and qt 4.7.0 stlport from .May I ask how to use it to compile a snowball project,including a server a client? thanks.
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by molator almost 4 years ago
You don't need QT for snowballs, if you play single player.
Only required for multiplayer.
In cmake, check snowballs flags (NeLNS too for multiplayer).
And if you search a little on the forum:
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
I changed cmakelist like shuawinn told from
but got these errors when used cmake to configure:
CMake Error at snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:34 (FIND_PACKAGE):
Could not find module FindNeL.cmake or a configuration file for package
Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindNeL.cmake or set NeL_DIR to the
directory containing a CMake configuration file for NeL. The file will
have one of the following names:
CMake Warning at snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:35 (FIND_PACKAGE):
Could not find module FindNeLNS.cmake or a configuration file for package
Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindNeLNS.cmake or set NeLNS_DIR to the
directory containing a CMake configuration file for NeLNS. The file will
have one of the following names:
CMake Warning (dev) in snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:40 (IF)
closes on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:56 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) in snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:41 (IF)
closes on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:48 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) in snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:60 (IF)
closes on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:64 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) in snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:61 (IF)
closes on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:63 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) in snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:66 (IF)
closes on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:70 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) in snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:67 (IF)
closes on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:69 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Error at snowballs2/server/frontend/src/CMakeLists.txt:4 (ADD_EXECUTABLE):
add_executable cannot create target "snowballs_frontend_service" because
another target with the same name already exists. The existing target is
an executable created in source directory
"F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/server/frontend/src". See documentation for
policy CMP0002 for more details.
CMake Warning (dev) in snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:121 (IF)
closes on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:151 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) in snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:122 (IF)
closes on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:150 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) in snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:154 (IF)
closes on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:166 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) in snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:155 (IF)
closes on the line
F:/ryzom_o/code/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:165 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
here is configure check:
cmake_check.png - configure check (52.4 kB)
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
sorry to paste so many words,here is cmake configure error in file form:
(5.2 kB)
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
besides,I run Start Standalone Ryzome server and try to configure like,and still the client failed to connect.
clienttoconnect.png - client failed to connect (1.1 MB)
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by molator almost 4 years ago
Before trying to build both the client and server, try to build the client first.
Looks like you didn't apply the proper changes, and the syntax is a mess.
Here what you will have to change:
I think the patch has already been applied to the source.
You said on top of the page that you'd like to go step by step,
but you're doing the exact opposite trying to build everything at once: client/server ryzom core, tools, client/server snowballs.
Make a simple choice or you won't do anything.
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by molator almost 4 years ago
If you're running both Xampp and Server2Go at the same time, it won't work.
If the standalone server is not in c:\ryzom_core_server, it won't work.
If the client and the standalone server are not running on the same machine, it won't work by default.
I don't see the 16 popups on your screenshot.
If some services aren't starting, look in the logs c:\ryzom_core_server\ryzom\server\*.log
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
every things seemed to work except when I checked with_snowballs .I made some change according to
. The error is :
CMake Error at snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt:34 (FIND_PACKAGE):
Could not find module FindNeL.cmake or a configuration file for package
Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindNeL.cmake or set NeL_DIR to the
directory containing a CMake configuration file for NeL. The file will
have one of the following names:
RE: how to build a new project based on Ryzom core ?
Added by erdongchen almost 4 years ago
As for Standalone Ryzome server,I just run Server2Go and nothing slse.I have tried default configuration and changed "localhost" into my ip,but it didn't work.
For example, ListenAddress = "";//FSListenHost+":"+FSUDPPort;
And what is FSUDPPort ?How can I changed it ?
I have 16 popups all the time.And I put both server and client in c:/.
I saw such warnings in some logs :
2011/08/16 11:57:04 WRN 14a0 common.cpp 648 NLMISC::launchProgram : LAUNCH: Failed launched 'rrdtool' with arg 'create save_shard/rrd_graphs/ais_newbyland.TickSpeedLoop.rrd --step 60 DS:var:GAUGE:120:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:1000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:100:1000' err 2: '系统找不到指定的文件。
in admin_service.log and log.log
and warnings like :
2011/08/16 11:37:43 WRN 14a0 as_module.cpp 296 ADMIN::CAdminService::onModuleUpdate : CAdminService::onUpdateModule : failed to open file save_shard/rrd_graphs/gpms.MirrorCallbackCount.hrd for writing
in log000.log
services.png (114.4 kB)
c_directory.png (97.7 kB)
admin_service.log (1.9 MB)
log000.log (7.5 MB)
log.log (5.2 MB)